I’ve just installed trial avast! to my Mac, but when it does scan, the only result it shows is more than 500 files with err 13, which is just unknown error.
Is that ok and I just don’t have any porblems on my Mac, or I’ve installed it incorrectly?
Error 13 is a file permissions error and is normal. Basically Avast is saying it cant scan some files because you dont have read permission on them (like some system files, or other users files)
I’m the sole user and have always been the sole user of my Mac and have the sole Administrative password. So why would some files be closed to me, (and to Avast!), creating “Error 13”? Something strange going on? :-\
Because that’s the UNIX philosophy, since ~1970s. Even ~30 years later, Windows’s implementation of access control layers isn’t as useful as this one :).
It’s pretty normal, that some files (for example, kernel extensions, etc.) aren’t readable by the user, just by the system. If you want to scan them anyway, change their permissions (apple-i), or scan them as root (administrator account). But, it’s for experts only - common user might damage the system easily, this way. Forthcomming version won’t bother you with those messages by default.
Read your replies and have a question. I am currently logged in as the SU, my errors are currently 68 (err 13) and rising, and I find this annoying and frustrating.
Got any answers?
for superuser, everything should be readable, regardless of permissions. Thus, err13 should never occur. I suppose you aren’t superuser (or at least, the app wasn’t launched with those privileges).
I run avast! on my mac and it shows itself as an error/warning…saying
“package wtih 2 object(s)
package (2/2/0)”
2 items, 2 warnings…
is it just me or should an antivirus not see itself as a virus?? what should I do? I already uninstalled, then did command-option-p-r and reinstalled avast! and it still does it…any suggestions?
it contains some root:wheel owned items inside - that Kext kernel extension (mustn’t be just user-owned, otherwise kextload refuses to load it into kernel - would be insecure/dangerous to allow user to plug code into kernel;).
As was said, warnings say “file wasn’t scanned, because”, and that number in avast is “permission denied”, aka EACCESS.