Need help please! infected and avast doesnt delete

Dear Forum, dear avast team,

sorry to bother you but I need help! I am infected and the file cant be deleted because it says it is used. What can I do? Now?

Malware Bytes anti malware doesnt find anything!
I am scared… :frowning:

Thank you for every help. Happy holidays!

It says: Cant be deleted because the process is used.

It cant be moved into the containter either.

I am grateful for every help. I fear someone send me a virus / malware.

It seems it happened 8 hours ago. this is a screen of the infected file.

Thank you for every help. :slight_smile: Such things really scare me.

follow instructions and attach logs (not copy and paste)

we need Malwarebytes / OTL / aswMBR logs


I dont know how to do this. is this a serious thing?

read the instructions and follow it …it is very easy

i will notifi the removal experts and see if they can give you a step by step instructions here in your topic
it may take hours before they are online

you already have Malwarebytes installed …so you know how to run that?
make sure it is updated, run quick scan … click remove selected if anything is found and attach log

Thank you very much!
I really appreciate the support! I am scared.
I read somewhere it is a bad virus. :frowning: What do I do if it spreads? What if the virus comes back after it jumped down just to avoid the scan?

MALWARE bytes didnt find anything!

here are the logs in attachement:

MALWARE bytes didnt find anything!
and it was updated when you did the scan?

ok … now run aswMBR and attach that log … you are doing fine here :wink:

Thank you! :`)

I feel better now even if it is still on there.

here are the logs: yes malwarebytes was updated:

thank you! lets hope for the best

good …no be patient and wait for the removal expert to arrive
as said it may take hours …and this is the day before the day so they may be busy with christmas stuff :wink:

I didnt run aswr from desktop, is that bad?

should I run it again?

yes. I totally understand!!! I really appreciate that you do this. I have the feeling that whoever infected me did this on purpose before christmas because i may not get people to help me. thank you! :slight_smile:

I have not restarted my PC yet. Can I go offline and come back tomorrow? what if I cant use my PC tomorow anymore? how can I see your forum?

Logs look clean, this if False Positive detection…

Are you sure?

But it says: High Danger / File infected

And the file has been changed today. ( see screenshots )

Does this mean everything is okay? Sorry if I bother you, but how can he be so sure that it is a false positive?

Was he the removal expert? If yes, thank you Sir for your time and the quick response. I really appreciate it.

Please leave the thread open in case I cannot use my PC tomorrow or if things got worse.

Would be nice if someone can give me a " yes it is clean " answer.

Thank you very much! Happy holidays! Merry christmas!

Was he the removal expert?
yes and he will be back...they are in and out of the forum
Sorry if I bother you, but how can he be so sure that it is a false positive?
upload the file detected to and test with 40+ malware scanners (if scanned before, click new scan) post link to scan result here

alternatives: /

oh okay.

I tried all of these before coming here. It says: cant be uploaded because file is used.

that made me suspicious.

thank you for helping. I do mean it. I hope it is a false positive.

Can you archive components file from safe mode? upload it somewhere and copy link here…

You mean windows safe mode?

How do I get there?

No need to do it, I am pretty sure that this is FP detection. Do you have other warning except this?

I tried to archive it in safe modus but it said the same. could not archive folder or file because it is used.

No, no other warnings. not yet. But the PC is really slow.

Are there other signs I should look out for?

can I just ignore the detection then? I feel uneasy.