I’m back, still have unresolved issues with AIS! See http://forum.avast.com/index.php?PHPSESSID=vpq38e64tc6qqars3cv87rld87&topic=106530.0. Safe browsing now works fine since last reinstall so that’s good! My problem now is trying to run my browsers sandboxed. They ran for 2 days sandboxed before it stopped. See attached screenshots for the message I got in Firefox, in Explorer I get a blank page that is trying to connect with my homepage but never does. So it doesn’t work in Explorer either. I still can’t run the firewall as my browsers don’t connect. Webrep is greyed out in Firefox but I understand that is a glitch that will be fixed in Firefox 16.0.2.
Thanking you in advance for any help you can offer me!!