Need Help - System Crash

I had the strangest thing happen to me when installing Avast 4 on a WinXPpro machine. The beginning of the installation went fine. I then proceeded to restart the machine as asked by the installation software. The system shut down but during the restart the monitor acted like it had no computer hooked up to it. I did not ever see the bios boot or any scan of the Bios by Avast or WinXPPro start. The monitor only said that there was no signal from the computer. My first thought was that the graphics card failed…so I switched out the graphics card with one that I know is good…nothing. Second, I tested the monitor on a second comupter and it appeared to work just fine. ???

Searching the forums, I noticed that USB keyboards seem to have a problem with Avast’s boot scan…I don’t have a USB keyboard but a wireless keyboard…is there any chance that this is a problem? I don’t have a new keyboard with a wire near by so I have not had that chance to test that.

I am having a hard time believing that Avast could cause the failure that I seem to be having but since it is the only thing that I did on the computer prior to this problem, I felt that I needed to at least ask the forum if any one has had a problem like this. The computer is 4 years old and of course out of warrenty…so there may just be a general failure of the motherboard. Thanks for any and all help.

Scott Wharton

if you don’t see anything at all on the screen, and you tested the graphics card, monitor (and all Cables ??)
then i suppose it’s either the MoBO or the powerunit.

does the PC show any sign of activity at all ?
LEDs, Sounds, Clicking, Fan noises ?

P.S.: Don’t laugh, but it could also be a jammed/defective Reset or power button


Did you try change the monitor (if you have another one)? I have a similar computer configuration and everything goes fine. I can´t imagine a software like avast being related with this. Try whocares advices, he seems to be right. We´re praying and trying to help you meanwhile… :cry:

Right, I gotta agree with whocares and technical as well. The thing is, it’s just out of software competence to do such a thing. Even a virus can’t do this (with some exceptions, such as Win32.CIH, which under some circumstances can succeed in rewriting (reflashing) your BIOS. But this only worked on old motherboards – it’s much more secure now…). The chance is like one to a million… :slight_smile:

To sum up, it must be a HW issue (or a disconnected cable).



Perhaps your BIOS settings got borked. If your motherboard has this option, set the jumper that resets your BIOS to its default values. This is a long shot, but it’s quicker, easier, and cheaper than part replacement.