wrong me, I clicked on a Google search images for Rose garden designs. Got what looked like a real Window alert popup that I could no right click on so unfortunately I click on X to close it and it opened a scanner look like page antiVirus. did not write name.
I then realize, quickly I unplugged the internet sand I went to CTRL-ALT-Delete task Mngr and closed the firefox application.
After I ran CCleaner/scanned with Malwarebytes Pro/Avast IS (AIS)boot scan did not show anything but when the system started up Avast shields were off “system unsecured” (windows triangle warning on Avast Icon)I turned them on again. No warning all this time from Avast.
This happened 2 days ago for whatever Avast version(auto-updated) was running. Yesterday I updated to the new version 6.0.1091 and while scanning showed a Temp file corrupted however ended the scanning “no virus found” No mentioned of it
I was running as standard user/firefox virtualized (But I did click and set off the scanner)
I still need to make sure My computer is clean.
I’d like to know why/how at times Avast shields are off and system says unsecured when starting (I’ve seen it before other people’s computer)
I’d like to see a big warning from Avast if shields are off. They are on now.
Not sure what web site was. I’m scanning with SAS
Any suggestion is appreciated
PS. SAS is detecting Trojan Vundo-variantF
found on File name
Oh good grief I’ll have to probably re-install windows/
Running w7 Premium/AIS/MBAM PRO
To avoid using multiple post with copy and paste you have to attach the log`s
Lower left corner: Additional Options > Attach ( Malwarebytes log / OTS log ) save OTS log as ANSI
Essexboy will look at the logs when he arrive here …usually 8:00am - 11:59am uk time
{Essexboy will look at the logs when he arrive here …usually 8:00am - 11:59am uk time
I decided to reinstall Windows and Avast IS so
I was not able to upload the log from SAS I hope the Info I supplied is enough for Avast to be able to catch this virus
Virtumonde aka vundo is a nasty one,as the latest threats from the vundo family checks which files run at Windows startup and tries to infect them,this means that Virtumonde turns the original host file into a Trojan-Dropper,file infectors are the worst viruses IMO.I think malwarebytes can detect the root of the infection,however let’s wait for Essexbot.
Yes, Just can be at ease not being sure what files what infected. I saved some files.
Can Essexbot or anyone give me some suggestions on how to clean the files I saved to a USB Flash Driive? I scaned it with AIS/MBAM?SAS and nothing shown. Any other way to do it?
I very much appreciate the pront response from all of you. Thanks very much