Hi, I am using the free avast , I have a website that I have backed up in a folder and ran it through avast, it has recognized trojans but does not let me repair it, just go to chest, I do not know how to repair them from the chest, the trojans that are noticed at html iframes, would love some help, thanks

You will need to restore the files from the Chest to a new location- and exclude that location from avast! scans so you can edit the files and remove the iFrame hack.

You need to find out where the files were infected- on the server or on your computer.

A HTML file infector would be the suspect- a virus which adds iFrame links to malware on any HTML files it finds.

Contact your web host if you think your web pages were infected on the server- it may be due to their software being out of date and vulnerable or their server being infected.