Need Help

I installed avast!4 Home version on my windows98 computer. after the installation I’ve started AVAST and few seconds later I got an error msg. telling me there has been an illegal operation and that the program will shut down. also it was written that an internal error that was caused by a program bug or invalid entry data has occurred.
does somebody knows what should I do?

We need More Info Required
In order to help fully we need more information…

  • What email program are you using?
  • What was the error message, error number, etc?
    • Are you running another AV or uninstalled one?
      The more information you give us the more likely we are to be able to help, a screen shot of the error would be helpful.

Also see this thread for further information and advice User’s FAQ.

If you need more help, come back here with more info…

If “I’ve started AVAST” means starting the Simple User Interface, it’s unlikely to be connected to the e-mail client. However, the exact error message (including all the numbers that may have been there) is necessary to say more about the problem.