Need more control over boot-time scan

I started a boot time scan to run over night. Next morning I check it and found that for most of the night it had been sitting there waiting for “human input”!!! At about 10% completion, it had found an infected file and was waiting for me to select one of multiple options. In the GUI (where one goes to initiate such a scan) there needs to be a way to pre-tell it to, for instance, “automatically fix” whatever it finds (or “Move to Chest” or “Delete All”, etc.).

In the mean time, is there a way to supply something like “commandline arguments” to do this? In other words, schedule an overnight scan with directives to automatically handle whatever it finds?

Aha, and then in the morning you can’t boot your machine, because bootime files got quarantined.

There is a reason for not allowing automated cleaning, however the settings you require are right there in the boot scan settings.

May be of interest to read

Makes no difference to me, because I would always tell the thing to “fix” it [because I have no idea what the right answer is–so I’m screwed either way]. Because of my ignorance, I rely on Avast! to get it right!! I mean, isn’t that what I’m paying for?

BTW: I found it under “Settings” – duh!

Interesting…but the problem is, the likelihood is that I will not be able to tell the difference between a critical boot-time file and a malware file. And even if I happened to recognize it as a critical file (such as svchost.exe), how would I know if it was a false-positive, or a truly infected file [with the same name]?? I’m not an expert, which is why I purchased this “expert system” to handle this for me!