Alrighty… So, I logged onto my computer this morning to discover that my display settings had been seemingly reset to the default settings and my desktop and folder icons where all re-arranged (nothing seems to be missing or altered, just re-arranged and reset).
I thought that strange, so I ran a Malwarebytes Scan, which came up with nothing. Then I ran a full scan through Avast (version 5.1.889). Said scan came up with one infected file, which I moved to the chest. Upon restarting the pc, an Avast Boot Scan was run and the following items were moved to the chest…
A0185446.exe C:\System Volume Information_restore{106CF321-99A3-4E3A-9103-1BD027606A99}\RP620 9/16/1999 2:32:50 PM 2/12/2001 6:18:11 PM Win32:KillApp-W [PUP]
Killlt.exe C:\hp\bin 9/16/1999 2:32:50 PM 2/12/2011 5:54:04 PM Win32:KillApp-W [PUP]
loaderav_2003-1_pq8[1].exe C;\Documents and Settings\HP_Administrator\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\HBQX3PTO 2/10/2011 2:03:22 PM 2/12/2011 4:11:53 PM Win32:Malware-gen
PPCRunOnce.exe C:\Program Files\Online Services\PeoplePC\ISP5900\System 7/25/2005 7:18:32 PM 2/10/2011 12:54:12 PM Win32:JunkPoly-B[Cryp]
I’m using an HP Pavilion a1520n desktop PC.
I’m not very computer savvy, so beyond that I don’t know much as far as the technical aspects of my machine go. I’m also a bit paranoid as to what to delete and waht not to delete.
I can say that I have not noticed much in the way of my PC acting strange aside from the aforementioned resetting and re-arranging this morning. I do do a lot of online shopping, so I am a bit worried about one of the above listed files corrupting my system or someone being able to swipe my passwords and such. So…
What do I do now?
Please, any help would be much appreciated and do please keep in mind that I am not in any way, shape, or form well-versed in the inner workings of computers. I’d be happy to provide any iadditional information you fine folks might need to help me with this problem.