Need some help with instalation


I’m a new user of AVAST ADMN and I’m trying to install it in a Windows 2003 based server, but during intalation I can’t get pass a windows from “Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine” were Windows is configuring the Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine, and it’s in a loop, restarting every time.

Does anyone knows why is this happening?

I would be very appreciated for any help.


Weel I don’t know why but it passed teh problem after some instalation… ???

But now I can’t get access to the Administration Console, the error is “Unable to login as Administrator or conection error”

Does anyone have any opinion?

Have you tryied the default user name and password for ADNM

User : Administrator
Pass : admin

I suggest you to change it when you are able to log into the console. This information is kind of public since it is available from the ADNM Manual.

Good luck !