need some info

I scanned my computer last night and found some virus and got rid of them.
After that a virus infected a file called .acy? acpy? or whatever that can not delete poped up. What is that file that causes error when i try to do something with it? Should I reinstall my whole computer to get rid of it or is it safe?

And some virus from avast too that were infected.

For anyone to be able to help you we need more information. What version of Windows are you running? You will find then that someone from this forum probably will be able to help you :wink:

windows ME

version 0431-0 HOME edition

Do you no the virus name?



if it’s a .CPY file, and it’s found in the _ESTORE-folder:
disable RESTORE & reboot.
Details: read link “VirusRemoval” below :wink: