Need to delete old Avast to put new Avast on?

:-[ Not sure if this is the right section to start out but here goes. I can’t seem to be getting any return emails from avast so I thought I would join the forum. I must say I am very impressed with this forum but here is my problem. I have had avast the free version for a few days after trying to get the software on several times getting error about corrupt file. I finally downloaded " how to install, configure and use avast antivirus" by Yaowhiz. The instructions are very good and it is helpful. When I restarted my computer and when it fully loaded I had that RED CIRCLE ON AVAST. THE A- BALL ICON IN SYSTEM TRAY.

I tried and tried but can make it look right to get that red circle off. I did windows updates and I have NO idea what “RPC” is so I could make it up to date. I tried to un-install the old software but I am DENIED to do a delete!!! Thinking that I need it off my computer to make a fresh download.

384 ram

Any ideas?

have you ever had any AV’s on your machine or did it come pre installed with one
if so
after avast go to the bottom of the PC hell page- link- and follow instructions

go to the PCHell ANTIVIR PAGE
Using the AntiVir Registry Cleaner

If for some reason the normal uninstall does not work, you may have to download AntiVir’s registry cleaner utility to remove all traces of it from the registry and allow you to reinstall it.

  1. Click on the following link or cut and paste into browser
    and download the AntiVir Registry Cleaner to your desktop

  1. Create a folder on your desktop called Antivir and Unzip the file to your desktop

  2. Double-click on the file called RegCleaner.exe to run it

  3. Since the program is German, you’ll have to click on the button called “keys asulesen” to search the registry for any issues. Then place checkmarks next to the registry entries you wish to delete.

  4. Finally, click on the button called “loschen” to delete the keys

  5. Restart your computer and try to reinstall your antivirus

have you ever had any AV’s on your machine or did it come pre installed? yes, for years I have used AVG on the 98se

this computer was a gift for me old but faster then the 98. It had Norton but just about out of date. Had difficulty getting it off and had to use Nortons help but finally succeded.

I had AVG on this machine HP 7950, AMD 387 MB RAM for some time and it went out on me or it went grey on the task bar which usually meant needed to update and that would solve it but it did not work.

OK I will work on what you have supplied me. I find Avast very Ahhh difficult to work with. One day I did get it on and then that blue “a” ball got that red cirle I thought if I undelete and reinstall it would clear but not so.

I switched for avg to avast
do try and remove avg using their latest installer and then run the antivir"registry cleaner" wihich is a customized version of a popular registry cleaner
It will find some old norton crap also (usually) even if you already have run the norton remover

post problems in this forum for quickest response

Well, well so much for this!!! Got rid of Avast one time and then reinstalled. Got the setup said setup finished and I was exdcited as I thought well this time I finally did it. I clicked finished and Poof it was gone I had nothing. Now, probably no fault of Avast. I reformated at least three times and that probably did not go well also. I called the repair shop and said when you format and you get an error what do you do? He said I just start over.

I am tired tired of AVG and Avast. I really would choose AVG because it is much simpler to operate and in the past when it caught a virus AVG healed it or sent it to the vault.

I am going to un-connect myself from the internet and use my computer for producing my home movies and church work and when I need music take my chances and reconnect for that. I am 64 tired of fighting worms and viruses etc. It’s a war out there and I think we are loosing. I could take it in for a professional format but at $65-$100 and we know how easy this is to do with XP why bother paying!

workitout (a joke right?)

if that is your real e-mail go to top of page and modify your post
you can keep your e-mail safely in your profile or ask members to PM you
The forum will then send your an email
spam bots harvest e-mails from websites

Well… go ahead…
The bloatware AVG is on the way…
Simpler? But worse :wink:

Plugged into the net to change messages. the errors I am getting are due to a bad format I am sure of that. I had a brand new HD and was told to install it. I had to give up a 80gb for a 40 gb. formatted the sectors and when windows was loading files to create windows a few did not make it my choice was to click enter and the program continued or F3 to quiit. I can download anything except antivirus software. Strange it seems to me. These techs I know locally made a copy of a good origional XPCD and also gave me this CD of all kinds of programs I made a screen copy. Look at it and see if there is anything I could use to figure out what is up with this computer. My brother gave me this computer. He says it has some issues but does not what they are.

You can try to download DrWeb CureIT! from another computer and run it… it does not require installation.