Need to download free firewall

Hi all:

I’m new here. I need advice on what type of free firewall to download.

I run ms XP(home) dial up and I’m afraid I may have been invaded by something that for now remains hidden.


why exactly do you suspect this ?
what tells you a full, thorough scan with avast ?

Some good firewalls are KERIO, OutPost, Sygate;
also enter
FIREWALL into the board-search above


ZoneAlarm is the best for PCs.

Check out

do a Google search for

“firewalls and leak”

for various articles on the effectiveness of various firewalls


I follow this…
I suggest avast! + ZoneAlarm
You can try others that are good too: Sygate, Outpost or Kerio (last versions). :wink:

A ton of links and suggestions here :wink: