Need to ensure a subscription with a lost order number is cancelled

The reason I’ve worded my title this way is because it already could be cancelled for all I know. I currently have two separate subscriptions to Avast Cleanup due to human-memory issues (not my computer’s memory, mine. x3) and because I’ve recently got a new computer where I wasn’t sure how else to renew it. I managed to track down the one linked to this account -, but there’s still one linked to that I haven’t been able to access and it will be expiring shortly. I didn’t get my 15 days warning (12 days remaining), so I didn’t get my order that way, and using the “forgotten order number” service doesn’t recognize my debit card info. I entered the data correctly, but it said the information is invalid so I don’t know what to do. (Orders/Renewals/Refunds)