Need to install AvastIP.dll - Where to find it?

Hello, few days ago someone helping me to clean my laptop with CCleaner and unknowingly deleted one file so now whenever i turn on my laptop there is a pop up message telling me to install AvastIP.dll in order for Avast to run properly.

Can anyone advise where i can download this file?

Thanks in advance!

Bever let that person not “help” you again.
CCleaner does not remove that file, nor does it remove any registry entry pointing to that file.
Besides that, avast doesn’t allow it to be deleted except if you disable the self protection.
I sure hope you didn’t paid that person or give him/her anything because all that was done is crippling your system.

Try a repair.
Control panel > software > avast > add/remove > choose repair

If that doesn’t solve it:

  1. Download Avastclear, Rejzors uninstall tool and the appropriate Avast program edition.
    Here are the installer links. Note: You need to be ONLINE during this install.

Avastclear :
Rejzors Uninstall tool:

  1. Uninstall Avast by control panel [If you don’t have Avast in control Panel go to #4]
  2. Uninstall in Safe Mode using Avastclear.
  3. Run Rejzors Uninstall Utility in Normal Mode (removes traces avastclear doesn’t) - reboot.
  4. Be Sure Too Check Once Uninstall is Complete:Device Manager>View>Show Hidden Devices
    If there is anything related to Avast with a yellow triangle then uninstall it (highlight, right click) and reboot.
  5. Install the version you downloaded.
  6. Reboot.

offline installers:

What is this mysterious file - avastIP.dll?
At some point I accidentally discovered that I do not have Avast running on my system (there is no Avast icon on the Taskbar, the AvastUI.exe process is not running) and it does not start. I download the installation package from the network and try to reinstall Avast, but I get a message that there is no avastIP.dll file in the system and therefore the installation is impossible. Retrying ends the same.
Through Control Panel> Add / Remove Program> Avast I go to Repair. The work of Avast is restored!
I found a page describing how to restore Avast - , however, did not find any reports of what could have caused this violation of Avast - whether this action was some kind of a malicious program or not.
Another strange thing is that the avastIP.dll file is not in the system after Avast was recovery. This file is also not found on the other two computers, where Avast is also installed and where there were no failures. And at the same time on the site are offered for downloading two versions of the avastIP.dll file. What is this mysterious file?

I followed the instructions and repaired the install and avast seemed to be running ok. Then reading lower in the chain levnat saying that after repairing he was still a bit suspicious. Just in case something bad was happening, i uninstalled Avast and re-installed from scratch and ran a scan. Perhaps the repair fixed the problem or perhaps the complete re-install but all seems fine now.

This could well be me being over paranoid. I think the problem could have been caused by the machine HD being almost completely full. Perhaps an Avast update failed and that triggers the dll error?

Hi, good day for you. I am a used Google search already 24 hours, but i not found specific information about this question. If you find an explane for this phenomen, please share this information with me. In the event that this problem does not apply to the Avast product, but is a virus intervention, then it can again kill the app or do anything else. I thinks a infinite reinstalling be have a not point. I wanna understand “where legs grow from” to fight the cause and not the consequence.
Write me here or to e-mail. You can write in russian, if you speak.

You are posting in a 3(!) year old thread.
A lot of things have changed.

Perform a clean installation of the latest avast version with the off-line installer.
If that doesn’t solve the problem start your own thread and provide details please.