Need to un-do DEFAULT Phonebook selection.

When selecting friends numbers I used the “Phonebook” button. It pops up a selector to use for phonebook, used this once, but second time tried to set “Contacts” as my DEFAULT phone book. However, when selecting set default, my finger ALSO selected an item from the list and POW…

Now my root-browser is my default phone book?

I went into Phone’s Settings > Applications to see if there is a defaults that I could clear for avast (the normal procedure for this problem) and there AREN’T any default settings that I can clear.

Please help! Thanks!

hi you have to consult some android manual for this.

Well, problem is - there isn’t a way to UN-DO this because Avast is not storing this value where it can be cleared.

When I go to the Application Settings (as I mentioned) - there is not any data set for “Launch by default” SELECTION.

hi i am sure you understand that we can not change this - its an android issue.

It sounds like you need to do the same application settings procedure, but instead of Avast, go into the settings for your root-browser.

Hope that helps!