Okey-dokey, folks. Bad news for me. I shouldn’t have been so glib up there in that post about the downloading. I had to remove all of Avast again. My system was in a terrible mess, again. That was after it seemed to want to run okay.
This time around, I first did a system restore from a restore point on the 10th, which was a fair bit back before the first attempt at an upgrade. Okay, that caused a red-X on the little Avast icon, so I used the aswclear tool and got rid of all the stuff from Avast, again. Used Microsoft’s FixIt tool, for no clear reason, but for a just in case.
I apologize to some of you, but I’m not too keen on using a registry cleaner at this time. Of course, I realize now that question about a list to look for in the registry is probably quite stupid considering all the stuff in there from Avast and Alwil before that. But I am willing to try one more Avast install.
BUT this time I want to go the custom route and ONLY install the very, very basic stuff I need.
What I would like to know is if someone can list the very basic stuff I should look for as I go through the steps to do this in the custom mode.
Last time I did a custom thing was on the Gateway a few years ago and I am sure the options have increased quite a bit. I’d like to be kind of forewarned, so to speak.
To be quite honest, I’m not feeling so good about trying Avast again, but ever since I walked away from Norton many years ago I’ve only used Avast and I’m not so keen on shopping around for any new folks. So I’m going to try one more time.
By the way, the other computer giving me all the trouble IS working quite fine now, as it was before that horrible upgrade experience I wrote about in the OP. The computer isn’t broken, is my point. If Avast breaks it again, I’ll have to keep that Dell and Avast apart for the remainder of the Dell’s lifetime. I don’t want to have to do that.
So how about a super basic list, please.
And thank you, anyone.
Oh yes, Tech, I saw your request for help in that other thread, but I had no idea what advice to offer.