Need to Uninstall 6.0.1367 Pieces

Let me address the last point and then I’ll go poke around about the other.

The previous versions didn’t have the streaming of the vrus database and they were considered quite good, right? The main update still happens, yes? With the extra as indicated with the .x-1 or .x-2 etc, yes?

I get it that the streaming is now updating even faster, but after all these years of the older system how can it be that this streaming is suddenly so vital?

It allows avast to push out def’s for any recent bad detections which will in turn provide you faster detection of the baddies and give you more protection, it’s getting vital to have these features nowdays as malware is evolving so fast and the AV companies are always playing catch up so the cloud def’s just allow avast to catch up a little quicker.

Of course, I understand the point. Just that whatever is messing about with the Dell is something that wasn’t in V6, because V6 worked just fine.

Now the MSE thing, it might be I’m confusing Windows Defender with MSE. I’m not sure and it’s 2 in the A.M. and might be a bit tired. Just took a look at the Epson and I see the real-time protection on the Windows Defender is turned off and I now seem to recall that might be what I read, but I am a bit too tired to dig any deeper before I get some sleep. But that’s the Epson, not the Dell, which is the one giving me headaches right now.

All I know is the Dell worked fine for a fair bit – from whenever V6 came out – worked fine with the configuration as it was with V6 and didn’t mess up until the attempt to upgrade. I’ll dig around after some sleep and coffee.

Anyway, appreciate the attention to this thread from everyone.

Sorry to be such a pain in the arse, Para-Noid. I just got a bit grouchy there.

It’s been a cold, rainy day, too. And the Dell giving me fits this morning when it was first turned on was quite the shock. Like it planned all night how exactly to piss me off after I thought it was all nicely fixed.

Computers can do that, you know? Plot against their masters, like cats do. And it’s even worse when you put a bunch of them together like I have at this work station. They all plot together when you’re sleeping and …

You are “not” a pain at all. We just want your forum experience to be a rewarding one. Just don’t give up! As long as you don’t give up we won’t either. We can fix pretty much anything. Just keep reporting back what’s going on. We are users just the same as you. If one user can’t figure it out someone else can. There is a lot of teamwork here coming from every continent on this planet. :slight_smile:

Thank you for that link, Asyn.

And thank you, Para-Noid, for your kind response.

And be assured I am not a giver-upper type.

In fact, too stubborn might be more descriptive. I absolutely hate machines to get the better of me. That includes these computer things. That attitude stems from my aviation days way back in earlier years. Can’t have some flying machine, both fixed and rotary, getting all nasty and not doing what’s requested. So that stubbornness about machines has carried through to these neat, new computers.

“New” meaning any computer these days is faster and does more than the old TRS80. My TRS80s have the world’s worst malwareold age! And it’s beginning to infect me, too.

You’re welcome.

I don’t mean to be trouble, but in future, if someone were to ask about the minimum stuff that gets installed, you might want to inform them that Webrep with that bar showing when the member is online also gets installed and they have to remove the bar and uncheck the box in settings after installation. I mean, in the interest of full disclosure. Some folks might feel that is pretty good information to have as they are deciding whether to use the product. Knowing right off that they can get rid of it might be nice to tell them. But more importantly, there won’t be any surprises even after they asked for information.

Just a thought.

Oh yes, I didn’t see that on the list during the setup. You know, that window that lists what is getting installed. Just like the Google stuff isn’t on the list, IF it is to be installed. But that’s in another thread I started. Sorry. Seems not ALL information is so readily forthcoming from Avast before the final click to install. Not so good, in my not so important opinion.

WebRep does not show when a member is online. WebRep allows a user to rate a website they visit. It is based entirely on popularity and has nothing to do with security. The same goes for any avast user, if the user likes a site they can vote for it, conversely if they dislike a website. The mere fact that you figured out how to disable WebRep shows how easy it is to do so. Whether or not you leave it on or disable WebRep remember it really doesn’t take up much HDD space. As far as Chrome goes I noticed it right away. Anymore when you install software beware of “options” during the set-up phase. Anyway, I hope your avast is up and running. :slight_smile:

Some people do not use registry cleaners due to the fact that some do more harm than good. Personally I have found CCleaner to be safe even for the novice. Some cleaners go way too deep while CCleaner does not do a deep clean. Using CCleaner after uninstalling software is a good idea. But that’s my opinion. Like you there are others who disagree with me. And I’m okay with that. To each his own. :slight_smile:

I tried Glary Utilities and found it did more harm than good. I have since uninstalled Glary Utilities and used CCleaner to clean-up the left overs. :slight_smile:

Para-Noid, space on the hard drive was not the issue under consideration when I was asking about the basics.

I had in mind software conflict. Best way to diagnose issues related to software conflict is reduce the package down to the basic minimum and then build it back up ste-by-step.

Also, your explanation regarding WebRep tends to sound like the flow of information is one way. Forgive me for a possible afront, but I would suggest more care when describing WebRep to members here.

Your statement that WebRep does not show when a member is online. is not correct. A WebRep status bar is installed and a little green indicator gives a rating of the webpage one is visiting. That’s an information flow in the opposite direction than you noted.

Here is a thread on the subject:

I also wonder why a company in the Net security business, as Avast is, would be involved in popularizing a tool which you state is solely for the purpose of ‘popularity ratings’. There really isn’t any security merits in its use? What good is it, then? Why have it at all? I don’t get that. Just a fancy, feel-good tool? So we might state that Avast has started down the road of loading useless tools along with the necessities for Net security? That doesn’t seem quite right. I’d be interested to know if an Avast Team member agrees there is no security merit in the WebRep tool.

Webrep now also incorporates phishing detection and i believe there are still more features to be added in the future.

Now that’s more like it. Glad to read that.

A platform upon which to add security tools not installed on the main platform. Clever, that. Yep, pretty neat.

Thank you for the feedback, craigb.

By the way, I’ve been meaning to extol your avatar. That’s also “pretty neat”.

Your welcome, glad you like my avatar :slight_smile: