I had major problems with my computer yesterday and have to clean out the virus. It took me about over an hour and half to do the virus cleaning. Now it’s virus free. I am not sure how I got the virus and it’s called " InternetSecurityDeluxe " I got help through Aumha.net which one of the member in that forum provided me the information what to do to get that virus out. It’s successful. Now the little icon b[/b] on taskbar did not show up every time I start the computer. I had to go to AWIL Software folder under Program Files in the main hard drive to click on ashDisp.exe and now can see the icon on the bottom right of the taskbar. Now I would like to know how to make sure that the icon stay forever even shut down the computer then start up the computer at a later time. I don’t feel like to go over to AWIL Software folder then click that exe file every time after start up of the computer. Hope that someone here in this forum can help me with this little minor problem.
InternetSecurityDeluxe is a rogue antispyware and can be removed with Rogue Remover.
As for the avast blue ball icon, I can’t do much about this. I hope someone else can help on this problem. Are you able to run avast! from the start menu?
Finally got this working now in taskbar and I used the 2nd line to " repair your avast installation through Control Panel. " Want to say thank you for your time to reply. Sorry that took me too long before reply back to this forum as I was away last week.