Need your help

One of my Window 7 system used Avast (free version). After I have made an upgrade for a more recent version of Avast, this gave me (thanks Avast) the infamous “Avast ui failed to load”. My first move was to desintall Avant so I used an old version of “aswclear.exe” (after some reading I understand I should have not have used this tool) but right now I am stuck with a safe boot under W7 that does not worked and it is impossible to boot in normal mode… Win7 started and restarted indefinitely. I have tried the F8 Hey to boot normally without any success.
I there a way to stop those intensiveness safe mode booting and going back to normal.

I really need your help… may be we could do something under the C:\ command line ?

Thank’s !


Run avastclear in safemode and see if that solves the problem.

Win7 do not started under Safe Mode. It restart over and over without botting on start menu.

Perform a W7 restart repair.

I have done “repair” action one time and even did two restore points reinstallation without any success. Every time this stupid thing boot under safe mode and go no where. :cry:

So I am asking this question to Avast people what exactly the “aswclear.exe” desinstallator program does to the system before rebooting ? ???

Thank’s for your help


Al it does before the reboot is changing the boot options.