Net speed problems

My connection usually runs at 2.2Mbps but not since the last webscanner update! I installed the 4.6.652 to see if it would clear the problem but thats not helped!

I use WinXP pro SP2
Kerio 4.1.3 Personal firewall (free version)
Avast 4.6.652 Home edition
Firefox 1.0.3
Spybot 1.3
Spywareguard 2.2
Adaware SE Build 391

I run 1024MB ram with 2.0 Celeron overclocked to 2.67GHZ so it’s not like i have a slow computer… i have done virus checks…spyware checks…everything…i

I have developed a severe reduction in speed since i installed the new webscanner…when i disengae this particular option in the provider tab the problem stops. But this leaves me open…could i be missing something?

Unfortunatelly, I don’t have a solution… Just to you know that we (the users) are here trying to help…
WebShield should make a slight (very stlight) redution on browsing speed. Not like yours…
Did you uncheck the option ‘Inteligent stream scanning’ into WebShield properties? If so, check it again and see if the speed is greater.

Hummm i’ll give this a go!


It still is the best Antivirus i’ve come across…well done lads ;D

this doesn’t seem to have an effect…hummm

MSSKRS, how do you measure your internet speed? WebShield should not definitely interfere with the internet speed in general - all it can possibly slow down is web browsing. Recently we have seen a speed measurement page (here on the forum) that opened large number of banners and measured the time it took to finish the operation. This kind of measurement can indeed be affected with WebShield installed - as it retries all failed requests and the timeout for connect attempt is hardcoded in TCP/IP to be something about 30 seconds. This particular page contained many inaccessible images and opened them in many incarnations so i took many * 30 seconds and seemed like it really goes slowly.

How about your download speed? E.g.: when downloading large file.

Can you try, it seems pretty reasonable.


2 days ago I installed Kerio for evaluation (I use McAfee Personal Firewall Plus 6) and I see immediately a strong speed reduction. The analysis of connection don’t say nothing different from my normal DLS value. Now I think it maybe a slowly filter managements due to Kerio.

SOrry but i’m based in the UK so i can’t use that bandwidth tester ???

I gave it a go with an area code of 015 wherever that is in the states…with my ISP as British Telecom…this was the results!

   ++++82.6 Kbps - You 	 82.6 kbps 	

I should be at 2.2Mbps i always used to be till the new web scanner…are there any other bandwidth tests i can do?

What about the new Windows Update that came out a few weeks ago…has this had any known problems?

Ahhh sorry!

Webscanner is an internal part of Avast antivirus!

I turned it off today to do several speed tests and we inactive it has no effect on speed whatsoever…hummm

What if i turned of both firewall and antivirus?

then we’ll knwo wheather it’s these two…?

Good idea/bad idea?

You might want to try this one - aside from the sped test there is a lot of other information for UK broadband users.

You may have noticed your avatar icon doesn’t display well, we try to keep them to a max of 100x100, this also helps those viewing in lower resolutions.

Jesus thats huge!


how the hell do i resize the bugger?

i’ll give this a go!

Almost any image editor should be able to resize the image, then save as a different filename to retain the original (assuming you want to keep a copy of the full size image).

right then…i tried loads of other bandwidth testers and i still get about 70-90Kbps when i should be getting at least 2.2Mbps…i’ve spoken to my ISP they say there are no problems at all!

I have no spyware or virus…so they ain’t slowing me down!

I wonder what is! my CPU isn’t running high, i have about 900MB ram free…hummmm…any ideas? ???

Sorry, I can’t help I’m still on dial-up (hell may freeze over before broadband will be available to me) and absolutly romping along when I can download at 5kbps.

I don’t know in UK, but in Italy the DSL prices are different second the Guaranteed Band. I try to explain (sorry for my bad english): maybe I buy a high speed DSL and I surf slow. It depends from the amount of traffic and also if I have payed or not for the minimum granted band. Here can have the paradox, 'cause it is possible that I surf at less speed than one user who have a theorical “slow” (and less expensive) DSL max value… but with a large granted band. Maybe this is your case? ::slight_smile:

Christ u’re in the UK…and u’ve not got BB?

U must be in the north of scotland!

I have a friend in the Highlands of Scotland and he is on broadband. I on the other hand live in the heart of England, a small village in Oxfordshire and can’t get it, go figure, BT sucks.

Even though the exchange is broadband enabled, there is 9Km of copper cable between me and the exchange, unless BT put in another exchange nearer (very unlikely) or the distance that you can get it needs to jump beyond the 5KM current limit.

Not good!

Can u access sat net?

I think i may have solved the problem i turned the intelligent scanner off and it’s right back up there at 2.2Mbps!

I wonder what it is about that bit of the program that slows the net so much?

Any ideas?

I have no idea why it was having no effect before…very strange…probably a combo of diffrent factors i think!

Well thankyou anyway mates ;D