NetBT service Error

Hello again :slight_smile:

I Still have some minor little problems with Avast and i just can’t find a reasonable explanation for myself…

Recently I’ve disabled the tcp/ip netbios service completely from my XP SP2 System because it’s a stand alone desktop and apparently i have no use for this and never will it keeps ports open which still may be a security risk. After disabling all this each system start up i get a Error mesage in Login Screen from

“Windows registry repair”
“Windows had to repair a file with help from the registry or Event viewer(log book, my xp = Not Engish) backup. The repair was a success” ???

(strange enough it doesn’t tell me what file) But system seems to work ok… So i look in System event viewer and it tells me some application trying to “start NetBT Service driver and failed”

Now i found out it’s Avast trying to do this cause if i kill Avast from start up it doesn’t give me this Error message and no Entry in System Event Viewer… For the rest Avast seems to work fine without any trouble even with NetBt service disabled… In the Anti Virus Event Viewer nor in Avast’s Error log is this error mentioned…

So my questions are:
Does Avast need the NetBt service, if not why wants Avast the NetBt driver started if it doesn’t need it to function??

Is there a possibility to configure Avast setting in a way it doesn’t ask for NetBt service to start??

Thanks up front

Avast need tcp/ip to be able to check for updates.

Ok :o thanks very much Eddy, this is strange and then I wonder why Avast takes the updates anyway when tcp/ip is disabled… I tested it and kicked Avast out of the system start up, started ashdisp manually and it still takes updates manually, the way i set it… Without the repair ???.

You probably disabled the ‘TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper’ not actually TCP/IP so it will still work.

Enables support for NetBIOS over TCP/IP (NetBT) service and NetBIOS name resolution.
I have it disabled in my system with no problems and I have netbios traffic blocked in my firewall, outpost pro. You should be able to block netbios activity in your firewall.

I still don’t get it, have it “disabled” in controll panel, network connection folder, lan connection- WINS NetBios over tcp/ip…

start set to 4

start set to 4

And Avast updates without any problems on tcp 2481 and tcp 2484 it did just a minute ago… (2400 t0 2500 it differs)

If i put Avast in the start up, System gives me an error not Avast, but the error is caused by Avast… :-X

Rather strange… :slight_smile: