

I downloaded avast4.6 Thursday. Since then, I have not been able to launch Netscape. I get an error message. Are there some settings that I have to change?

And what’s the error message if it’s not the secret ? More information you provide, more chance someone will find a solution for your problem… :wink:

Cheers !

P.S. Welcome to forums !

Surely, you meant to write, "if it’s not “a” secret rather than “the” secret. “The” specific secret error message that you are referring to, I have no knowledge of. However, I can tell you that the error message that appears when lauching Netscape says that netscape has encountered a problem when opening and needs to close. Then I am given the option to send an error report to Microsoft.

Thank you.

Surely you understand that the forum members here are made up of people from all over the world! English is not everyones first language. :stuck_out_tongue:


Yes, all we need another English teacher ::slight_smile:

Exactly as Tipton already mentioned… people gathering in here are from all around the world. It happen to be that English is not my native language even I recently moved to Canada.

Remember, we are here to unselfishly help people like you, and we do that for free. You came here to use our services so please look at everything from another angle if possible, at least that would be polite thing to do.

Of course everybody will ask you what was the specific error, because no one in the World could possibly tell you what’s happening if you don’t tell them what’s wrong on your end…

Error that you just mentioned is caused by corrupt installation of Netscape, and you have to uninstall it and reinstall it from the scratch… It has nothing to do with avast! since there are many members in here using Netscape and they don’t have those problems you mentioned.

Cheers !


See here… :wink:

Quote by you:

Surely, you meant to write, "if it's not "a" secret rather than "the" secret. "The" specific secret error message that you are referring to, I have no knowledge of. However, I can tell you that [b]the error message that appears when[/b][b] lauching[/b] Netscape says that netscape has encountered a problem when opening and needs to close. Then I am given the option to send an error report to Microsoft.

Thank you.

First, you said THE ERROR as well… that’s exactly THE error I was referring to :wink:

Second thing: LAUCHING should be LAUNCHING :wink:

See ? We are not perfect, neither you are… :wink:

Whoa…whoa…whoa! Gee…gee! In plain English…CALM DOWN! Now, smooth down those feathers…There you go.

First, thank you for the info.
Secondly, I never said that you must be perfect or that I am perfect. My response to your reply was simply along the lines of the dry humor that was in yours. Perhaps you projected correcting into my simple jesting. Perhaps I did the same to you. We have only our written words to rely upon, absent tone of voice, facial expressions. My intent was not to give you an English lesson, because I am not an Englsh Teechr as you so forcefully pointed out (ever think about going into law?). Always remember, Dear, quipping is a two-way streeet.

Alas, my final posting to this sight…good bye to you and to Mr. Lipton.

Peace out!

Good bye !

Btw, I said English Teacher, not Englsh Teechr as you wrote…

magnoliagirl wrote:

...My intent was not to give you an English lesson, because I am not an [b]Englsh Teechr[/b] as you so forcefully pointed out...

Regards !

It is called dry humour (or sarcasm) Sasha, when you make a deliberate error and highlight it in the style that your respondant used e.g. pointing out her previous errors in red.

I know but you should also know that we had issues like this before and we all know why we gather here… to correct someone like that is not nice. Maybe she should ask her English teacher to help her with Netscape next time.

Have we deserved this after thousands and thousands of helpful posts ? No I don’t think so David…

I personally wouldn’t want to use Netscape anyway as long as it has anything to do with AOL! :wink:

I wonder how many languages she speaks since she is so smart apparently… ::slight_smile: I want to see her write in my native language(or Sasha’s) then ask her how she feels when i correct her about a simple spelling error even though i know exactly what she is talking about and there is no need for that… :wink:


Alas, my final posting to this sight
No loss in my opinion judging by the few posts you've made. The only decent one I saw was the first one. I personally don't think much of people who are looking for a gift (free help) and then criticize the wrapping paper ( the manner in which the help is presented). That type of person usually isn't happy with the present they receive anyway. ;D

Hi magnoliagirl,

Well if we post in this forum, we always post all sort of information on the question on hand, so that others may help. If I put in a question I have a fatal exemption nobody here can help me. If I say I had a fatal exemption OE in 0028:BFF88112, it could mean I had trouble through the DOS auto protect message windows shutting down or the adjustment of load of the auto protect agent. Well Sasha and Miha can follow this technical language and comment on my problem with ashserver on Windows 98SE.

We just do not know how to address your question, when did it happen, why, what is your platform, what kind of Netscape?

I just mentioned this with respect,

same here.

Thanks people, and best of all, I wasn’t rude or anything… take a look at my first reply to her question (initial post):

Welcome to forums ! is always there… I like to welcome people, especially if I see it’s their first post in this forum. I don’t think even one single word I wrote was rude or something like that… It just happen that I was first to answer her question. As usually lack of information on her side was the problem, and I logically asked for more info… that’s all…

Cheers !

gee… what happened here? :stuck_out_tongue:

u guys are funny ;D

tim :wink: