Every time I do an email send & receive, the Avast on-access scanner tells me that I have Netsky-D worm. It appears that the virus is sending an email headed Re: your software and attaching a file called application.pif.
My problem is, I have performed several Avast scans, including boot time scans and there does not seem to be Netsky, or any other virus on my system!!
I have tried several stand alone virus scanners and removal tools but they all find nothing.
But the problem is the the virus is redistributing itself though your email :-, if you have been sending email to people, then i suggest you let them know not to open the email and just delete it, or it will just do the same to them.
And just so you know for the future, never ever click or open a .pif file ;), you won’t like the consequences.
I ran ntskygui.com again, and as before it found nothing.
Here is the log for you to have a look at.
Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1
Scan saved at 20:43:53, on 07/03/2005
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180)
Run though the steps there an see if the problem goes, there are quite a few programs/steps there, try to get one on the online virus checks from there (rav/housecall).
BTW, when you did a scan with avast, did you do a thorough one with ‘scan inside archives’ checked?
I have just realised that the Avast on-access scanner is actually warning me about a virus in an email in my Hotmail inbox…Its not on my system at all!!!
I have just deleted it out of me Hotmail inbox and everything is fine now.
I have just realised that the Avast on-access scanner is actually warning me about a virus in an email in my Hotmail inbox....Its not on my system at all!!!!
I have just deleted it out of me Hotmail inbox and everything is fine now.
Glad your problems solved
Sooooo sorry for wasting your time Lee
No problem Deno, in here to help, that why i volunteer here
Anyway everyone makes mistakes, its better safe then sorry, and better clean then infected