netsky problem

well ive got this problem: everyday i received in my mail a virus that avast detects as worm: netsky. Every single day!!! i wanna know the reason why, becaus my brothers and the rest of my family havent received this kind of messages. I think it might be related with the fact that i suscribed the services of a company that provides me info about the job ive got. I have to pay for it. And maybe they use its database. I wanna solve this problem because is not fun at all receiving attacks everyday though avast has worked perfect till today.



there’s not much you can do:

  • set various filters in your mailprogram according to the subjects netsky uses; see virusinfos on netsky → you’d need lots of filters…

  • try to find the real sender of the virus by analyzing the complete headers of the worm-mail: difficult ad not always successful

  • ignore it & trust avast

  • get a new email-adress


I think the reason is quite simple: somebody who knows your e-mail address (i.e. anybody whom you ever sent an e-mail) got infected by the worm - and now, it’s spreading to your e-mail address. I don’t think you can do anything about it (there’s not much use in trying to find the original infected person - because just as it’s spreadying to you, it’s also spreading to other people with faked “from” field - appearing as being sent from you. This way, the e-mail address spreads further).

tx a lot for the quick help, you guys are doing a great job. I think ill try to put some filters like you say cause changing my mail is quite difficult right know because i use it for workin and ´dont want to annoy my clients.

TX again. :slight_smile: