network inspector scan

I wanted to know if something has changed in the network inspector scan? Because it keeps thinking I am connecting to a new network every so often at boot. And it scans the network as a result. If I have to guess it does it like every 24ish hours. Like it forgets it and just thinks it’s connected to something new

It monitors the Network as such, I don’t believe it specifically runs scans, it is active all of the time monitoring the network.

So it will be constantly checking new network connections.

Unfortunately there isn’t much for anyone to work with here as we know nothing about your Avast Program or the Network Inspector and Firewall settings.

I rarely get any notifications or interference from the Network Inspector, my settings screenshots are attached below.

Avast UI > Protection > Network Inspector
Avast UI > Menu > Settings > Protection > Network Inspector

Your Firewall settings will also have an impact depending on what you have set as a Trusted Network.

I doubt it’s the firewall as nothing has changed. It keeps saying “connected to new network”, even now after a single boot.

Scan for devices and monitor this network is off like what you’ve shown me in the first picture as well.

This started happening since the last avast program update. Like even as soon as that update was installed it did “connected to a new network”, and did a scan at startup.

I’m using the latest avast free antivirus, 24.3.6108.

I could disable it as you showed in the image, but it’s strange that it’s a new behaviour since that update.

I can only offer suggestions what you do with it is up to you.

I can’t see what you see and that is why I use images of my settings, but I’m not clear on what setting you are talking about.

Oh so the ‘new network scanning’ started recently? As in after the last update?

Yes, I can’t say they fixed it with the latest. But it happened since the version I mentioned before. Unfortunately it’s so random that I can’t exactly replicate it. Avast just thinks it’s connected to a new network on boot every so often and runs network scanner. No clue

Turn off “Rescan networks automatically” in the settings in that David provided a screenshot of. I have that off and it only scans networks the first time I connect to them and never again unless I run it manually.