Network Shield/real time shields and not reporting to my avast online account

I have the avast pro anti virus running on Windows 8 Pro 32 bit that I just upgraded to a couple days ago and before the upgrade everything worked fine and now even with the update 7.0.1473 the Network shield in the real time shields will not turn on at all, any suggestions? Thanks
Been having this bug for 3 days now. Not a new system,no other security software and have done a space mode uninstall of avast and then reinstalled and same problem… I still have 4 months on my paid scrip but I need this working now so I’ll just uninstall and find a new one. Every devoloper knew Win was comming out and there were devolopemental tool and specs for months now I think its a big fail on your part,from reading all the posts about some issue with Win8 …

Was avast Pro installed in this win8 system before as avast has been working with win8 (I haven’t got win8) for some considerable time in earlier win8 and avast versions. Recent beta testing before the release of 7.0.1473 was also related to win8 functionality.

If you have done an update to win8 from another earlier OS, then you would normally have to reinstall avast.

You could try an avast Repair from the Programs & Features (or win8 equivalent), uninstall a program, select ‘avast! Anti-Virus,’ click the Uninstall/Change and select Repair, click next and follow.

You should reboot after the repair.

Don’t lose sight of the fact that this is a support sight so you are going to see those experiencing problems.

Yes I have done the safe mode uninstall with the remover and reinstalled it. I had win7 and upgraded to win8 pro and that’s when this started.

OK, not so much the uninstall (now you have it installed) but a Repair, have you tried that ?

What firewall do you have ?

I have repaired it and using windows firewall like I have for over a yr.

Just did it again and same.

OK, just a thought that something else (firewall related) might have some interaction. My problem is not having any win8 experience to suggest anything else.

Do you happen to have any Windows Event Viewer entries (or the win8 equivalent) or any .mdmp files in any of the avast folders ?

Yes I have the event logger and went thruy it and no logs of avast other then turing off and on during restarts…

That’s a bit weird no event viewer entries or avast .mdmp files when there is clearly something stopping the network shield from starting.

I will try and attract some developer attention.

Did some digging and this is what I found in the log files, seem I’m missing a dll, don’t know how or why and don’t understand why the uninstall and reinstall didn’t fix it…

Going to start NSF Engine
AswNsfCompletionPort::CheckDriverAndStartIfNecessary: Unable open service aswnet (Not installed ] HR: 0x80070424!
INFO: Call Start method to the DLL failed, code 0x2147943460
INFO: Call Start method to the DLL

INFO: By platform is selected Network Stream Filter technology
INFO: Going to load NSF Engine from location: C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\aswnseng.dll
Going to initialize NSF Engine
NSF Engine successfully initalized
INFO: Call Start method to the DLL
Going to start NSF Engine
AswNsfCompletionPort::CheckDriverAndStartIfNecessary: Unable open service aswnet (Not installed ] HR: 0x80070424!
INFO: Call Start method to the DLL failed, code 0x2147943460

OK, I would also have expected a missing dll to have been resolved in an avast Repair.

This is what I find when I do a search for aswnet in the main avast program folder, I just wonder if the file is truly missing, as it refers to a missing dll and aswnet is I believe a driver, .sys file. Bear in mind I’m not using win8.

I have the same thing this is too weird…

Ok avast did an update today to 1474 and everything is working now thanks for the help and info much appreciated.

You’re welcome, thanks for the confirmation that 7.0.1474 has resolved the problem.