never received a license key

I downloaded the current free avast onto my dads computer over 24 hours ago, and he has never received his email with his activation key,they say to wait 24 hours, so what would be the next step wait awhile longer

Maybe the email is being filtered by your spam killer, or the antispam from your ISP?
Can you check your email through webmail?

Yes all his email settings are directed to accept “all mail”, even added the to his address book to make sure it wasn’t misdirected to spam, checked his spam, nothing wrong there, so I’m at a loss as to what happened.Any tips on where to go next

There are some ISPs that filter email and you don’t even get to know it ever existed.

I would try a free Yahoo email account, this has been suggested (and worked) before. Register again using the new email address, if it does work it pretty much confirms there is some filtering going on that you are unaware of.

Thank you, you were absolutely right, even after checking all his email settings and thinking all was ok, I reregistered using his alternative email address, and within minutes the avast email came thru just fine. I don’t know whats up, the avast address was even added to his approve list, his address book, can’t figure how they’d still block it, or where it went, it wasn’t in his “viewable” spam box, so theres something that is definetly being filtered we were unaware of. Thank you again, have a great day.

You’re welcome.

Some email servers have their own spam filtering so it doesn’t even get into the system for your friends filter to get a look at. Now you have some concrete information to contact the ISP about why the email isn’t getting to your friends inbox for him to filter it.