Never used secure line vpn, but says "trial period expired"

I have used avast before, but never connected with the vpn. I wanted to try this out, but am informed that the trial period has expired. Is this based on the IP you download from? So maybe another user in the household would prevent me from trying out the trial period?

Hi cesmith,

It’s not based on IP but on other machine identifiers so it should work. We will look into it and get back to you. We may need your log file for further analysis. If so, I’ll provide instructions on how to get it.

Best regards,


That’s fine. That’s all I really wanted to know before looking into it more deeply. I just didn’t want to start reinstalling or anything else time consuming if I could just reinstall from a different IP. It’s possible that I started the trial period but never actually tried to use the VPN. Thanks for the quick response.

if I could just reinstall from a different IP
As Davidek said, it is not based on a IP.

Way to quote out of context buddy. If it isn’t obvious that I deduced that from the first response, maybe you should read more closely. I will give you a pass on your incorrect nitpicking since English is probably not your first language. Good job with the evangelism, though.

The same issue for me today.
Log files contain the following info:
xpc launchd: Could not import service from caller: caller = otherbsd.325, service = com.avast.secureline.avastsecurelinehelper, error = 119: Service is disabled
avast osx secureline avastsecurityhelper serviceproxy
Warning 46550 Profile response doens’t contain profile

There seem to be a problem with the VPN for MAC.
Nothing we can do about it here, it is something for avast to have a look at.