New 3D avatar for my friend p3t3rb0nn

He didn’t ask for anything, but I just thought his own avatar needed some refreshment… ;D ;D ;D That was one of my earliest avatars, and it wasn’t that good… this looks much better I believe.

I just hope Peter will like it as well…

Cheers !

Note: Funny thing is… If you look at these avatars in Firefox, they all play at full speed (the one it supposed to be), and inside IE, they just crawl and they are unbelievable slow… so much about IE and picture formats handling… same unbelievable problems with PNG files with alpha transparency… actually, IE doesn’t show transparent channel, and instead of that it adds some ugly grey square around the object… Microsoft already admited they screwed up things, and they promised they wil solve everything in IE7… let’s hope it’s true…


Sasha they work with normal speed for me both using IE and Opera ??? A great avatar BTW i like the map…

Cheers matey fantastic work as usual very much appreciated I see a lot of spinning Roos after about
6-12 beers they are usually different colours though with a few more they start chasing me ;D ;D

Well it looks like they play in real FPS, but it’s not… they should play as they are set to 30 FPS (Frames Per Second). In Firefox, avatars play quite faster than in IE. I have no clue about the Opera, but if Opera plays same speed as IE, then it handles picture files same as IE… which is not that good.

In my IE they play quite nice, but I know exactly how they should play, and in Firefox they look much closer to the original FPS I made in Fireworks…

Cheers !

@Peter - No problem Peter, I’m happy you like it… sure it’s nice to have some change once in a while… Suggestion: Do not take too many beers combined with that heat… you could get hit by one of those roos, not just see their colors (pink, green with orange spots) ;D ;D ;D

Interesting, it is really very slow in IE.

In IE7b1 it seems that problem with transparency is fixed.
IE6 vs. IE7

Finally someone is doing something regarding that issue… I had so many problems forcing IE (v6) to properly show PNGs Alpha channel in my WEB page, so I had to use some JavaScript tricks to be able to have alpha channels enabled… In Firefox it works out of the box, but In IE v6 and below, you had to use those tricks to properly show PNG on the web page.

I’m checking Vista Pre-Beta2 right now on my other HD, and it really works fine…

Cheers !


Here is a fix for PNG alpha channel problem in IE 6 and below…

Yes i see it now i saved it to hdd and it plays much faster when i look at it in ACDSee so it seems Opera has the same problem … ::slight_smile:

Hello forum members,

Well I think the new P3t3rb0nn avatar is sleak and good for this man from down under. Cheers matey, if you adopt this one.
I can only say that the look in FF is just super.
I like to thank connie of the Tent Dwellers’ Forum at:
for my recent new polonusavatar. I think the text is appropriate. S.Z.Craftec is a talented artist,



At least we now know where those that brought down the Off - Topic forum have gone to. ;D
I sincerely hope that they will all be happy at their new home. :slight_smile:

I am afraid I have to correct you on this point…what brought the ‘Off Topic’ down, was moderators arguing and opening and closing threads.

None of us had anything to do with that topic and if you can find any post by me personally in that topic, I would dearly love to read it :slight_smile:

You should ask Pavel if I’m the responsable of closing Off Topic forum as I was a Moderator there.
Your words do not match the reality.

It was not just a single post or topic that brought that situation. Again, the users are just saying that they did nothing… if you read the Moderators complains there you’ll find a lot of reasons.
Seems that now we are guilty to what happened. In fact, I’m not surprised that after our effort to make that forum we will have to listen this after all… This is life I’ll thing… Everything now will be thrown over us…
Why am I still here is this forum? ::slight_smile:

Was your or any one elses name mentioned? I simply wished those responsible good luck and happiness in their new home.

Exactly and since I don’t wanna see this thread turning into another Off-topic look like forum, I will close it… bottom line, at least in this thread I can feel as a moderator, I can lock it, or completely remove it… of course if it’s going the way it’s not supposed to go.

I opened it with best intentions, to give my friend a new redesigned avatar… again, as a friendly gesture, nothing else, but I see it’s going in completely wrong direction.

Please guys do not be mad at me, I have to do it… arguing had to stop once for all, so Off-topic forum was removed… we don’t wanna turn this one into same thing.

Again… no one is guilty and everyone share the same guilt… those who started and those who accepted to continue with arguing…

Flower to everyone and peace people !

Regards !