Go to this site below and read results
Avast came fifth place ;D Congratulation Avast job well done.
Go to this site below and read results
Avast came fifth place ;D Congratulation Avast job well done.
Thanks for the link, Speedy…!
almost 99% really good work there avast.
Looks interesting!
Yep! very interesting ;D 8)
What I really loved about Avast is because they have beaten the biggest major players of the AV companies that a lot of people and major business companies always believe in, every business companies I’ve worked in the structural engineering environment have never heard of Avast. :-\
Congratulation Avast job well done and keep on beaten the biggest major players of the AV companies.
I don’t want to ruin all the fun, but frankly I think the MRG tests are untrustworthy.
You could be 100% right Vlk
Any specific reason for that comment/judgement Vlk ?
Yes, we would like to know.
You need to get out more often and read the various MRG test comments at places like Wilders http://www.wilderssecurity.com/showthread.php?t=270281 , even though a lot of the more interesting information gets removed.
I think Vlk means Avast should have gotten a better score! ;D
I highly doubt this is what Vlk means as the last word in the sentence wouldn’t follow even if avast got 100%
Given sded’s link to wilders in the post above yours, which is basically stating that many feel the methodology used in the testing doesn’t give confidence in a real situation, particularly in relation to FPs.
I highly doubt this is what Vlk means as the last word in the sentence wouldn’t follow even if avast got 100%
Given sded’s link to wilders in the post above yours, which is basically stating that many feel the methodology used in the testing doesn’t give confidence in a real situation, particularly in relation to FPs.
Gawd you Ubers are touchy. Overworked and underpaid? Lighten up, eh? Life goes on…
Hardly touchy, you gave your interpretation of what you though he meant.
I have given mine based on previous posts of Vlk in the forums on similar topics, malware tests/reviews, etc.
Either could be right or wrong, but now there is a balance as others are also reading this topic, they can make their own interpretation.
OK Touché.
There are a number of malware tests out there that use a similar methodology.
Differentiate this from the YouTube videos that advertise themselves as “tests” of an extremely small number of samples, but may actually provide some utility as “demonstrations” of capabilities if they don’t get too sweeping with the meaning of their videos.
Guerilla testing? Wankers with Windows? Well meaning amateurs? All out there. Professionalism? ???
Some of this can be useful if it provides enough information to help the vendors improve their product. If it is used to convince users to select a product, shame on them for their lack of disclosure and discussion.
OK Touché.
At least DavidR is not timid enough to not let us know which country he resides.
A-Squared Anti-Malware is No1……….surprised me after all the criticism.
Check out the poll on the right side of the page. As of now COMODO is winning ? : :o Give me a break.
Add http://www.dslreports.com/forum/r24101573-MRG-April-2010-OnDemand-Test-Results to the MRG informative discussions on well established sites.