New AV-C Real-World Protection Test for May 2016


Link to PDF document:

Maybe not the holy grail of 100%, but a 99,5% with 0 false positives is pretty amazing considering how mediocre avast! used to be month(s) ago. Now just keep this up and don’t let this fall again. I’ll be keeping an eye on these tests for the upcoming months…

That’s quite a good result to be fair imo.

Keep it up Avast.

Agreed, good results.
Let’s see how this holds up.

Check this false positive test (March 2016) -
Avast was worst in this test mainly because of Evo-gen. They have to improve Evo-gen to reduce false positives.

If you think avast! is bad you should look at Qihoo. It’s a FP’s madness. But they conveniently provide different version to testers than they do to users so results are different. From my experience avast! has always been great with false positives and never had many of them at all. Only thing that’s somewhat bad at is how long it takes to make a verdict on submitted files via Virus Chest, be it FP or suspected malware…

Given that the current test (which this topic is about), not the one you posted the link to has 0 FPs, surely that had improved the Evo-Gen detections.

Filerep Detections are pretty good right now…It is finding a good amount of new malware.Hope this result remains consistent.

Im waiting for NG to get in to test it out deeply :slight_smile:

Really a very good improvement.
Hopping that the developers + Virus Lab could keep and improve these results.