NEW: Avast 17.2.2288

Probably not till we get to version 17.3

ok thats fine anyway thnx ;D

It does not work in the new version of a full scan, hangs at 0 per cent, and all the hour and two and nothing changes. And lags when opening disappeared

Known issue. Will be fixed in future release.

Thanks for your help in solving the problem of my)))

No, it didn’t.

Tried to update the previous build through the GUI.
Everything went fine till it started trying to install what seems to be a update to the SZB.
It was something like safezone_window-7-i386
After 30 minutes it was still busy doing so.
No error, no message and the rest of the system kept working.

I wonder what windows-7-i386 is doing on a Windows 10 64 bit system…

hello i am posting here because other thread said was old or something

3 issues i cat seem figure out
1 the god wheel is gone from the gui so i also read its still a issuee known about?
2 i cant hear any voice saying SCAN COMPLETE after its done
3 the online security add on for IE is there
chrome is there
but on MAIN COMPUTER firefox it just disappeared the shopping is there
on laptop firefox says its unverrified
idk why firefox removed on main computer i cant seem fix it installing and uninstalling
how i fix this 3 issues

In Firefox it’s working as long as you can see it in the settings:

Smart scan repeating still not fixed! If i click on notificatication, it run again. Also scan inside virus chest don’t work too. I thought Avast release bug free version now…

its NOT in the list
i see
avast shopping
avast shopping there only
what about the missing voice and the missing MY ACCOUNT on gui

What happened to the virus chest? Spent a lot of time looking for it and not found it (v2287). I sometimes use batch files to run certain programs and avast deleted one of them! I have no problem with it deleting something that may be seen as potential threat BUT must have a way to get it back! So where is the chest? Non-existent?

Easiest way, right click the Avast tray icon.

I created a new VM.
Installed Windows.
Installed the previous avast version.
No problems.
Rebooted a few times.
No problems.
Started the update and the same problem started.

Either Avast UI > Protection > Anti-Virus > Virus Chest or right click Avast tray icon > Virus Chest

I agree it’s very hard to find… I’ve complained about the navigation about it too. Feel free to create a thread.

Thanks guys, I was looking through the UI. Not often I right click the icon other than to disable shields.

p.s. I should note that these latest beta versions seem most aggressive of all.

You’re welcome.

17.2.2288 is not a beta amenx, but a stable release.
As far as you can call it stable ;D

Updated fine on 2 computers … one on XP Pro SP3 and one with Win 10 64 Home … Only issue was on the XP machine (on a Dell 2340M monitor) the installation box is way too large and you can not see any possible options that may be hiding at the bottom. On the Toshiba Win 10 Laptop, you do see the full installer, along with the Opt Out for Chrome … That window can not be moved or resized. Avast should make it somewhat smaller. Otherwise install went fine, using the full off line installer.

Updated on 2 different systems - one two updates performed with last week or so.

As compared to:
Program version: 2016.12.3.2280

The main or “Splash” screen does not fit monitor window, cannot be resized to fill window, does not populate with either vertical or horizontal scroll bars and thus user cannot access certain information and links embedded on that window.

Tests performed on 14 and 15 inch laptop screens.

Do not recall a similar issue in any past versions.

New staff developing your updates??