New Avast agent 18.4.2534


How can there be a new program version, and no release notes? In 10 days or so all of our machines will turn Red and will marked “in danger” because we would never allow automatic program updates.

I realize this program is free, but that shouldn’t stop the developers from informing their users as to what their releasing. That’s just common practice using common sense.

This is probably as close as you will get to a change log …

Although interesting to read, in reality, the changelog won’t tell you if it’s gonna break your systems and often omit known issues :wink: Better to pick a small handful of non-critical machines to deploy to for testing for a week.

I also download the installer whenever a new release is made, so I can roll back to it in the future if need be. I have to admit, the last couple of releases have been trouble-free though.

Thanks for the reply GFM, and of course we follow basic admin procedures and do both of the things you mentioned. We have an archive of every installer the past two years, and only deploy new versions ahead of time to our non-critical sandboxed machines for testing.

All that being said, that does not absolve Avast from not communicating feature-set improvements/changes to their user base. Transparency is always key, and it’s not like we’re asking or expecting much…just common practice release information in a timely fashion.