NEW: Avast Beta 17.1.2283

I really don’t understand how you can do a better interface in paint than the “professional” guy of avast.

I would like to have a behavior blocker more customization, I guess there are hidden settings that could be available and would be appreciated by advanced users

The application rules, the flatten view should be the default, and it should have the icons of the apps.


This also just hit me that I somehow missed in the past days…

Why is the “Settings” button not square button with nice gear icon like all the rest of buttons in the sidebar? And same for “Upgrade” button. It’s just bunch of inconsistent things thrown together to form a GUI.

GUI has to be fast, responsive, pleasant to look at, functional and needs to be consistent across all panels and menus. Why am i telling this to a team of professionals with decades of experience!? ???

The UI is fairly consistent, but made of different elements of course. The reason why the Settings button is different is that it’s not part of the main navigation. It’s intentionally pushed to the background, i.e. made less visible.

If it’s made of different elements, then it’s not consistent. White checkboxes, white dropdown menus, white panels, white mega buttons, it’s all sticking out of purple interface like sore thumbs. All 345 of them on one left foot. Sure, their whiteness is certainly consistent across the board, but it’s clashing with the very foundation of the new GUI theme. It feels like sticking Windows 9x styled menus into Windows 7 or Windows 10. It just doesn’t compute.

Then there are flip switches where some are round and some are rectangular. And if you open a main GUI and “Settings” panel and bloody close and Help (?) buttons don’t even match. They look somewhat the same, but they are of different size. And there are hundreds of such examples and when you have hundreds of things that just don’t match together, the overall feel will NEVER be good. It doesn’t feel good.

I honestly don’t care if avast!'s GUI remains absolutely the same through several years and you just change the year number on it. If it’s good to begin with. But that’s just not the case. It’s always “That’ll do” and “We’ll fix it later” and it never becomes good. And you keep fiddling with it in all wrong ways.

Want to know what’s a good interface in my “design” book? Kaspersky 2017. I suggest you guys install it and see what I mean. It’s beautiful, consistent, logically laid out, well organized, not cluttered, it’s everything avast!'s new interface isn’t.

games launched from battlenet doesn’t work, it give a crash, after uninstalling the latest beta it works, with the previous beta it worked well.

I like how the new Avast is progressing, and Its been in beta for a while now, will there be another beta or an RC?

Thank you developers for you hard work! Running smooth so far!

One question/comment: Why is Behavior shield not included in “minimal protection” package? It’s one of the components needed for virus protection, no?

Thanks for the new beta.

Mostly working fine, except for the GUI still has strange Japanese fonts…

1.Can’t install AOS to Google Chrome. :frowning: Fix it avast…
2.avast Anti-spam not working at all.
3.No HIPS.
4.Need to improve Behavior Shield/IDP
5.Where is Avast Ransomware Protection?@avast team. ???

The update option for programs is set to “Ask after update is downloaded” but i have to open the update settings to see the thext next to the update button that a new version is available. There is no popup message which a user would expect to see if he has explicitly selected this option.

I see an improvement, but some bugs remain FYI. The help popup sections were initially expanding okay, but when i get to Behavior Shield settings and clicked the help, they were again collapsing right after being expanded just like the previous beta. Plus the initial opening help popup is too small and needs to be expaded a little bit manually. I suggest looking at the size of the main GUI and making the help popup load at that same size. There are resize buttons at the edges of the settings screen, but it can’t be resized down, only up. This hides the OK and Cancel buttons for 1366x768. When you have more free time you should make IMHO a separate settings for each component accessible right from a settings button right next to the component button itself which will also match the theme. Shields are now activating okay after being disabled. The notifications issue is still here. Animations and fonts are not exactly smooth, but these are minor problems which i guess you will fix for Release Candidate. I’m still not sure if it’s by design that the default exceptions from the stable version are missing in the file system exclusions like the Pagefile and so on. It is good that you added all the components to the protection popup, but you should also move the current available ones to the top and leave a little space and then have a bottow row of components not installed, this will make the distinction more clear. The elements sized are OK but the padding is too large. More rows can be created by reducing it which will allow a distinction blank row. Clicking on the not installed elements does not show informative screens so add them. The HTTPS problem with loading sites in Chrome disappeared at the middle of the previous beta and is not in this one either.

Okay so what exactly is the difference between the two attached images? One is for AMSI and the other one for regular detection? One is for behavior blocker and the other one for regular detection? Clicking on any of the options shows the same alert after 1 second. Clicking on block in addition shows the second popup in the bottom right and again then shows the first popup. I want to send the sample which triggered the popups. Avast doesn’t ask for a restart because it can’t clean it, it just pops up these messages. If someone from the Avast team wants to run it and see why these popups are appearing after clicking any of the fix options post here.

Why not give me the choice? It is no different from the webshield, etc…

I was referring to setup process. When you choose Minimal protection, Behavior Shield is not checked (only File and Web shields).
Of course whole setup is modular so you can make up your own package. I just thought Behavior Shield should be in the Minimal package.

Ah ok. As long as the custom option still allows people the choice on what to install.

From what I can tell, the IDP module almost doubles the ram usage from using just the file/web shields. So for those that want a very small footprint, they may not want the added overhead.

Not sure how to confirm if it is related to Avast, but I have 17 svchost.exes currently running since installing this beta. Doesn’t that seem like a lot? I don’t remember having so many prior. I guess maybe I will uninstall Avast and see how many I have running.

Yep, that’s quite a lot. (I’ve running 6 here.)