Hi all,
we just released new AVAST beta with a few hotfixes.
Again, we would like to ask for your help with testing our new licensing backend. If you are willing to help, please see this new thread about licensing changes in the beta channel: https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=198923.0
Hotfixes of a few non-fatal crashes (non-necessary dumps created in the log folder)
Avast does not recognize Cleanup license after update (fixed via UI update channel for release as well)
This beta seems to a bit thin on non-fixes, surely these fixes could have been delivered by VPS Update or Emergency Update function.
There are many avast on-demand scan issues that have been present from before the last beta, that still haven’t been fixed. Yet no reference to any resolution, or the change log for this beta is also thin on the ground.
Hotfixes are for the setup/updater. It is not possible to fix this part of the product via VPS or emergency update. We are trying to deliver these fixes as soon as possible, so no other changes were allowed in this release.