I received notice that the latest SOA had been released. Yay! Been waiting months for this.
Unfortunately, I downloaded and installed SOA then ran the job to update my test Windows 8.1 client with 8.0.1603. After a reboot my Windows 8.1 (fully patched) test client hangs at “Please Wait” indefinitely. I’ve seen this error before with Windows Vista and the root cause was the Avast services. However, on my Windows 8.1 client the system still hangs at “Please Wait” with the Avast Net Detect client disabled. My only option was a removal 8.0.1603.
I’m happy to run any tests that will help resolve this issue. I need to run the installer on very many clients currently waiting for this to be released (reseller). I’m lucky that I had a restore point on my test client.
I’d warn anyone that if you have not yet installed this client, add safe mode to your PC’s Windows 8.1 startup and/or create a restore point (and have install media) before installing!
Can anyone assist in troubleshooting the “please wait” hang?
I installed the console and mirror. file: setup_console_epp_full.exe Installation went fine, SBS2011 updated to 8.0.1603 and I validated the SOA was at Just hangs my client.
I have to assume it is an issue with the software firewall. As a test, can you try going back to windows firewall?
We have been able to test EPS (not EPP) with an upgrade that did not replace the mirror (setup_console_eps.exe), pushed 8.0.1603 to a Windows 8.0 machine, upgraded it to Windows 8.1, had to re-deploy Avast! (since it was disabled/deleted during the windows upgrade) and it works…
Well, the whole reason I used EPP vs. EPS was because it didn’t include the firewall - which has caused numerous issues on the SBS network with apps and such. So, I think you are saying that it is enabled somehow. I’ll do some tests and check.
Well, I ran the installer on 10 additional clients without issue so it seems my test machine has some anomaly that is causing this issue. Not going to continue troubleshooting this one unless someone at Avast wants me to test to help others.