Any computer with Acrobat 9 Standard installed – after Avast EPS ( is installed, when the user is in IE9 browsing sites with PDF files, sometimes the PDFs show up, but most of the time IE crashes with a not-responding.
We’ve tried removing the plugin and reinstalling it – repairing the Acrobat install – applying updates to Acrobat 9 – and removing and re-installing Acrobat 9 Standard. Same result.
Now – we tried installing Acrobat X Reader (the most recent version from, and it’s working fine – no crashing that we can see. However, the users are now frustrated they can’t edit PDFs from within the web interface.
Can you help me with why Avast is somehow interacting and crashing IE9 with Acrobat 9 Standard plugin?
BTW - this is happening with all users that I’m installing the new Avast on with Acrobat 9 Standard. 7 users so far. I’ve paused my rollout until I can figure this out.
Okay - we got it working. We’re upgrading from 4.8 Pro to Avast EPS. Every single user with Acrobat 9 Standard has crashing in IE with the Acrobat plugin. We tried nearly everything - remove plugin and reinstall it - repair the Acrobat install. Nothing worked - until we uninstalled Acrobat 9 Standard completely. Restarted the computer and re-installed Acrobat 9 Standard. Then it worked fine.
Annoying - we’re going to have to re-install Acrobat on dozens and dozens of computers to fix this. But at least it’s working.
Sounds like a load order thing where the avast webrep wants to be there before the adobe add-on… On a machine with the issue, what happens if you disable the webrep addon?
Plugins for IE were never installed. The only thing we can think of is that the EPS install automatically removes the 4.8 Pro that’s installed, but perhaps doesn’t remove everything as well as it should. We’re now also running into jscript.dll problems. Users are crashing IE with jscript.dll errors in the event log. We run regsrv32 jscript.dll to re-register it, and that solves the problem.
We’re going to try uninstalling 4.8 Pro from Control Panel - restart the computer in Safe Mode - run the Avast Uninstall utility to clean up 4.8 - restart and let EPS install. See if that solves the problems we’ve been running into. If it does, at least we have something to work with - however this is going to piss me off as I have 300 users over 10 offices, in 3 states. If I have to manually remove 4.8 Pro, safe-mode uninstall - that’s going to take ages and quite a bit of man-power.
Used to have the same issue with flash player updates on windows XP… which always seemed pretty odd to me since it came with the OS. Got to the point where I ran (with privledge elevation) the regsvr jscript.dll silently in the login script every time there was a flash update.