[note to all: pardon my rant. I do feel better now. ::)]
G’day, Tangy. Yes, 28K sounds 'bout right. The new! version also adds a defence agent
(awidsagent, 28KB now) and an antivirus installer (regsvr, a little shaver at only 5KB) on top of
AvastSvc at a whopping 233KB and AvastUI at 84KB. That’s about 330KB in Private bytes (he’ll never make corporal) with the Virtual sizes 3-4 times that size. It’s a hog, IMNSHO.
Perhaps there’s a competition with FireFox?, which appears to have very poor memory
management, you can see it grow incrementally, often reaching 1,000+KB overnight when
I leave the machine on. On a machine with Under 2MB usable, Avast is consuming
1/6, so comments like ‘84KB’s not all that much…’ make me laugh.
Too bad I haven’t figured out how to use another PC as a front-end, or perhaps some
sort of parallel processor. Old machines & OS’s won’t die from disrepair or age, they’re
just being strangled by the ever-increasing wonderfully expanded functionality (read:
glitz) we’ve come to expect.
I’ve read you can use an Android phone as a straight computer, but how would I connect
it up to my router? Hmm.
Thanks for REPLYng, mate, and a word of advice: stick with the version you’ve got, eh?!
pssst…DavidR… windows explorer on my machine uses 38K. the good thing is you can trim
services in XP to the bone, which I’ve pretty much done. Not so in Win7, too many interdependencies. I tells ya… Ubuntu’s lookin’ better all the time…or even Slacko Puppy.
[suggestion re this editor…it’s great (where’s it from?), except when you want to tweak (bold, italicize, etc) text that’s waaay down the page, you’ve got to bounce back up to the tippity-top. darn darn darn.
do there happen to be… hotkeys/shortcuts?! so you can just highlight and hit ctl+b and bold stuff, f’rinstance? food for thought.]