New Avast UI


I currently prefer the older 2015 avast look over the new 2016 as one of the problems i have is i am unable to run specific parts of avast only.

For example i cant have avast check my software updates only, or have it do a browser addon check only, or network threat only. I have to do a smart scan which scans and looks for all possibilities to improve my computer.

Or maybe that option is there and i cant find it anywhere on the new UI?, like in the older version where you had 4 tiles you could customize.

Granted the whole smart scan takes less than a minute to complete, but i keep my computer cleaner than my room. On an older system i can see the virus scans taking a long time for HDD for someone who may just want a browser check.

All AV vendors have a FAQ section … looked there?

nevermind, i was able to find it, under “Scan” at the top.

Solved my problem, but not that great of a UI for me, i personally like customization.

The only thing which has changed really is the first page - it is a case of navigating the options/icons on that first page you should be on relatively familiar ground.

Clicking on the Settings (cog icon) takes you to the familiar old settings screens.