New Avast user

I have just installed Avast and joined this forum.

For many years I have been an F-Prot user. When they released their new version 6 last year I found its realtime scanner significantly slowed down my PC (XP Home) and I ended up excluding so many things from realtime scanning that it was achieving very little. As my subs were coming up for renewal I looked around at the free alternatives and found my way to Avast.

So far everything looks fine and the realtime scanning works very well with no noticeable overhead. Avast is now one of the very few AVs (free or paid) that supports Windows 98SE so going to Avast means I can have the same program on all my computers.

I am very much in the ‘safe hex’ camp - using Opera and Pegasus Mail means I avoid most of the normal Windows vulnerabilities and I pride myself in having an up to date AV but make jolly sure it never finds a real virus!

I guess I will be a fairly rare visitor to these forums but know where to come if I do have any problems.

Hi, over there on the other side of the world, and welcome!
I installed Avast almost 2yr ago, and it’s been pretty much problem free, stable and (more to the point) helped keep the PC clean!
(Awesome forum, too.) There are a few regulars here who are helpful as, adn really know their stuff. I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s the best AV forum, and, overall, one of the best AV’s.

Well… we like better the frequently visitors :wink:
Welcome and feel free to come back any time.

Welcome to the forums and the avast family.

Stick around and browse the forums, especially the sticky topics at the top of each of the forums, not to mention the avast help file. They provide a wealth of information to help you get the best from avast.