Please welcome the version 24.5 of Avast AV released on May 28th, 2024
Major public announcement:
Wi-Fi Inspector – provides you more information about the scan even when no issue has been found on the network.
Web Shield – Web Shield can now performs a deep packet inspection also for uncommon or suspicious applications.
Say good bye to Outlook plugin as it won’t be part of the installations anymore (it could be in some cases) - not yet, the changes didn’t make it to 24.5 build…
More bugfixes …
How to install:
[ol]- Update from your existing Avast version via Settings → Update → Update program
If so, how did I get it before updating to the new version (I’m still on 24.4). Additionally, is the default setting to have it unchecked? Because it is currently unchecked in mine (I did not manually untick it) and for at least one other person who confirmed in the thread. Will it change after an update and restart?
The mentioned avast outlook plugin was only for an indication of the infected emails in the Outlook 2016. The protection level is not influenced by its removal at all.
As reported for version 24.4 here, the popup right after update and reboot is incomplete and only displays “more bugfixes”.
Language problem?
edit:Given that the new features of version 24.4 appear on the popup of version 24.5 (this must have been fixed in the meantime?), is it possible to see the release notes popup “on demand” and not just after the update?
This is timing issue… We haven’t published the latest release notes as the migration to 24.5 is not actively running yet. It should go alive next days.
Official statement says
[IMPROVED] Network Inspector – You’ll be able to receive more details about your network scan so you can have better control over your protection.
[IMPROVED] Stronger Web Shield – Web Shield can now perform a deeper scan for uncommon or suspicious apps.
Oh my, looks like I announced the Outlook plugin removal to early… The changes didn’t make it to release 24.5. Sorry about confusion. It will happen (fingers crossed) in the next release. All statements about how you are protected with or without the plugin are correct.
That useless and annoying notification on Windows 10 notification center about I am protected, which shows after each boot can be disabled only in Win 10 notification setting or can be disabled somewhere in Avast application?
BTW I have set “Limited mode” in Avast Notification settings.
This new “feature” of Webshield needs some explaination. Maybe a Avast Blog? or at least a reply here as to its function and why it is not enabled by default. Users do not know why or whether they should manually enable it or the effect it has.
I get the impression that this is an example of Avast rushing out a monthly version before they know what will be in it and without the neccessary explainations of those items that are in it. This does not inspire confidence in configuration control or quality.
I believe the settings Dinobot2 said is a quite old one, from the era that Web Shield start scanning all HTTP(s) applications than only major browsers…