Today several infected mails got through (VPS version 436) - containing W32/Bagle.dll.dr virii (McAfee name for it). I suppose this is the same Jlo was talking about.
No - they are not. The thing which comes via mail as is a ‘downloader’ which tries to get the second part of the virus from many web sites. Unfortunately, on none of them this second part existed, so we have had big problem to receive a sample of the complete virus. Therefore it was added today in the morning with some delay.
I received the from my sister-in-law on Sept. l. I thought something was wrong because the from was different than it normally is also she would never have said foto she would have said Photo. I sent it to her and her hot mail said it contained a virus. My question I have avast and also symantec and neither said anything. If I would have checked on the attachment would avast have notified me. How do I manually scan an email message with avast.
Novice 2
???I must be missing a step. I tried right clicking and there was no scan to click on. I right clicked a message also an attachment and didn’t see scan anywhere. I would really like to learn how to do the scan manually.
Novice 2
If you click on ‘my documents’ or use ‘explorer’ you will see what looks like lots of ‘cases’ These are known as folders. You can create your own ‘folders’ and save files in them.
What Eddy was saying is right click on the folder you want to scan and then it will give you the opion in the ‘right click’ menu to scan the file.