New Beta version 17.9.2321

Hi everyone,

new beta version 17.9.2321 (build 17.9.3757.0) is released.

Changes / Fixed Bugs

  • Fixed missing tray icon in some cases
  • Fixed Avast service deadlock caused by Wi-Fi Inspector
  • Avast service does not crash if Passwords user is having login record without url stored and navigates to Password tab in GUI with debug logging enabled
  • Passwords Guardian popup informing about possible leaked logins is no longer shown to all users regardless the license

Download links:

Enjoy this beta!
We are looking forward to your feedback.


Thanks for the new beta :slight_smile:

There’s no indicator that this is a paid product :o
IMHO, this should be clearly indicated.

Has tray icon animation been fixed and why is Driver Updater still auto installing itself into the menus without ANY option to get rid of it via installer options? This one is really annoying.

Driver updater isn’t installed automatically. It’s just a screen in UI, no binaries are installed unless users clicks on install. And yet we are working how to differentiate it better from the other items

No animation here. :frowning:

The menu is. When you install avast! it’s not there and then it just auto appears on next reboot. And there is NO way to uncheck it anywhere. You may say it doesn’t “auto install”, but to a casual user, it does. It’s not there when you actually install avast! and the fact you cannot uncheck it like all the other options it’s also annoying.

I had complained about this component in the last build and thought it was going to made clear that it’s a paid item and there was going to be a way to avoid adding the module if you didn’t intend to use it ??? What happened ???

Thanks Karel, testing it asap…

Confirmed, not fixed yet.

I’ve waited half a year to get it fixed and now it’s broken again… C’mon avast!..


Uninstallation is explicitly mentioned in step # 5 of “BETA testing - Overview & Download links” (at for a return from Avast beta version to a stable version. No uninstallation is mentioned for the installation of an Avast beta version.

  1. Do I have to uninstall my Avast Internet Security prior to installing the beta version of the same product?
  2. In case of uninstallation of my current stable version, is there a way to preserve my configuration such as exclusions?

Thanks for your answer.


Prior to the uninstall use the Back up settings option, they can be restored later.

TEST sytem: windows 10 1709(Updated Sept 2017) x64 pro with kb4054517 update, remove ie and Edge,Defender.stop Windows Firewall.
Frist installed comodo firewall (hips was off), then installed avast free antivirus 17.9.2321(only use four basic protection functions). restart PC.Completed the start,imported comodo configuration, now hips was on Crazy mode, hips rules: avastsvc.exe avastui.exe avemupdate.exe aswidsgenta.exe taskhostw.exe TiWorker.exe seted to windows System application.The next morning,power on the computer,“Your license is not valid” did happen on avast free antivirus.
The configuration file used is in the attachment.

The other system:windows 10 1709(Updated Sept 2017) x86 pro with kb4054517 update, remove ie and Edge,defender.Stop Windows Firewall.Same installed comodo firewall and avast free antivirus 17.9.2321,but comodo hips seted to off.No license expired on avast free antivirus.

After many tests,maybe there is an incompatibility between avast license and hips crazy mode.
Please help check under the hips configuration what causes the license expired(Modify the file name to cfgx.7z).
Thank you very much! ! !