New beta version 21.1.2447

Hi everyone,

there is a new beta version ready - 21.1.2447 (build 21.1.5957). As mentioned in previous release notes, still working on release candidate.


  • dumping application during or at the end of smart scan (not actually affecting the product functionlity)

Known issues

  • webcam shield does not block untrusted application in using webcam under specific conditions
  • malware may not be detected by a scan under specific conditions

Known issues are still work in progress - will keep you updated.

EDIT1: there is a new version 21.1.2448 (b5966) released with two small fixes. One related to text used in installations (cosmetic change) and one that should fix a problem with Cleanup being detected as installed in a standalone version (and therefore having a problem to run respective scan) while it is not installed.

EDIT2: there is a new version 21.1.2449 (b5968) released with one more fix related to the problem with Cleanup being detected as installed in a standalone version (and therefore having a problem to run respective scan) while it is not installed as the previous one did not resolve the issue for those already having the problem immediately.

Download links
Avast free
Avast premium

Enjoy this beta!
We are looking forward to your feedback.


Thanks for the beta.

Thanks for the new beta :slight_smile:

Auto update received, thanks
Got the splash screen on both machines after first reboot. :slight_smile:

Thanks Petr, testing it asap…

• Again, I didn’t get any splash screen here (rebooted twice)
• Note, some additional data has been sent via AvBugReport

Did this version address the constant UI disappearing over night, that has been an issue for the last couple of weeks? Opening the Avast UI after returning to the PC over night instantly closes. Only see a spilt second of a standard windows title bar. and white window. which instantly disappears. When in this condition. Right clicking on any file and scanning doesn’t return any visual or audible results nor can the UI open. Restarting the computer (usually deep in the middle of something) Has been the only way to restore the UI.

Thank you for your work and the beta :slight_smile:

Hello KKthebeast, thank you for your feedback, I informed my colleague from UI team to look at it :wink:

Hello KKthebeast, I’m sorry for these troubles. May I ask for avast logs: copy content of c:\ProgramData\AVAST Software\Avast\log\ into a temp folder, pack (zip) it and send it to . If possible please add time and date when you induce it.

Thank you very much

Wow Petr, you’re keeping me busy… ;D

Hi Asyn, stay tuned, it seems we will have one more build today ;D :wink:

Hopefully, this one will fix the known issues. :wink:

Just for the record, the German splash screen did finally show up here.

Yes got it, busy day

no bugs here for now

Surely this beta is over upon the release of the regular program update.
avast! free 21.1.2449 (build 21.1.5968.561) UI-1.0.597

Received beta update to v.21.1.2449 ???

This could be the old chestnut of Avast not changing the version number of the last beta/pre-release number when it goes live.
Something which has confused from its introduction some time ago.

I think you need to do a restart and check the version and build number to see if that has actually changed.
Note my signature “avast! free 21.1.2449 (build 21.1.5968.561) UI-1.0.597/” has a different build number from that in the first post “(build 21.1.5957)”

You may need to try a manual program update.