New Booter in Yahoo Messager

Can anyone tell me what’s going on in Yahoo Messager? Today all of screen names got blocked and I can’t access them thru Yahoo Sign In. :o

Maybe it’s time for Trillian?

A nice Toutorial and the download can be found at:

Hi Heidelloon,

Can anyone tell me what's going on in Yahoo Messager? Today all of screen names got blocked and I can't access them thru Yahoo Sign In.

Well i used to use Yahoo Messenger, and from what i remember of the chat rooms and so on is Boots, they would just completely knock you off all Yahoo servers (boot that come from malicious users).

First make sure your yahoo is up to date.

then have a look a Ytunnle to protect you:

The basic version of Ytunnle has the same protection, just less features.


I tried everything…Deleting cookies, IMsecure (Zone Labs), Ytunnel, YahElite, Yahoo Messager, and My!Chat. Also I found something that could be the issue. It’s an Ex Yahoo Employee blocking all users from Yahoo. Read here and see i’m like WTF :o ??? >:(

I’ve been talking to people on yahoo all day long. ???