New build popup appears every few days, even though I have version 4.1.342 installed. Clicking “more info…” (in the popup) doesn’t say anything and a manual update says its latest, which is correct.
I’m using dialup so maybe one of the setup files is corrupted? i.e. during disconnection when its still checking for updates (I have received the red error popup, so it was busy)
It all works ok, receiving vps updates normally. I guess this would fix itself when the next program update overwrites the setup.
This behavior is strange indeed. The ony reason Avast would continue to advise you of an update is if the settings were not saved in the setup files.
This could very well be a corrupted file. If it does not bother you, wait for the next program update which should be coming out soon. Some changes are being made to the On Access Scanner.
Avast looks to compare the “timestamps” of the setup files and will overwrite them with the new ones.
If you right click on the A ball and read the version and build, what does it say? and the VPS update?
avast! version 4.1 Home Edition
Jan2004 4.1.342
13.02.2004 0401-15
Sometimes I just check emails (Outlook), so I’m only connected for say 5-10secs, perhaps that corrupted the files. I’ll stay online for longer now, just incase…
I can wait, I could re-install if the next update doesn’t re-initialise it. ;D
I am running the same version and build that you have but do not have any problems with it. I suspect that should the problem persist after the next progrm update, we can look at the Avast setup log to see why this is happening.
I have to look up my notes on a previous problem that one of the earlier versions had which caused the same error. It was related to 3 files that Avast downloads for the update that must overwrite existing ones. If it can’t, then Avast continues to try and update them.
Are you asked to restart the computer when this happens?
Microsoft marked the files “read only” and thus they could not be updated.
I will try to find the names and you can check their file attribute.