new computer messed up

I am desperate for help. I brought a new computer loaded everything on all up and running. then as I had Avast on my old computer without a problem I thought I would install it on the new one, on screen it went through all the programs when it finished I switched of then back on at 7pm to save all my settings. Immediately Avast started loading everything which seemed to be multiple copies, I had no icons I could not access the machine to stop it each mode it went through took an age and it was not untill 2am I was able to get into close this took about 20 attempts,All speed has gone, and many programs frozen/disabled I cannot even load and run my system restore disc. I have had to go back to my former computer and at the moment have a wothless new £1,000.00 one that I cannot use. Please help me to restore I am frantic. Diana

What exact version of Avast?
What OS?

Hi Diana,

Do we have the worst scenario here:

LINUX FAT32 on the old machine, Win XP NTFS on the new puter ?

If so, see your vendor to work out a solution.

Hi Diana!
Is the problem really caused by avast! Linux/Unix version?

Hi Dublin
Dont know I had loaded Avast v.4.6 home edition
when everything went haywire !!! As I said I have windows xp and office professional 2003 on the computer.

With thanks


Diana, you’ve posted into Linux board, not Windows (Home/Pro board) :-[

Are you 1009% sure you completely uninstalled antivirus that was installed on your computer prior to installing the avast! ?

I’m not so sure you even mentioned that, so it may be the core of all your problems. Two resident antiviruses never liked each another.
Tell us what was the antivirus installed on your new system first, and then we can deal with this using proper advices.

Cheers !

As this is a double post, could it please be merged by the mod ?


Yes Fast is right…

And now I am almost 100% sure she had something like Norton installed… c’mon it’s a branded computer. They tend to “stick” those ugly antiviruses inside those branded systems. And her “technician” is quite a professional person. He has no clue what avast! is and yet he told her than her virus came right from avast! web site.

First of all, I am sure there is no virus in her computer at all. He is a liar trying to get some more money out of her pocket. That’s how they do those things. Common people don’t understand much about those things, so they think they (crook techinicians) can lie to them as long as they want… but they forget one thing, people like to learn and hopefully, they learn a lot every day.

Remove your antivirus that was originally installed on your system prior installing the avast!.. on second thought, you’ll have to remove them both now. But, as long as you have even one small trace of the other antivirus on your system, avast! won’t work properly. And that’s not the case with avast! only, it’s exactly the same situation with any other antivirus out there. It’s been discussed many times in this forum already why is that, so I won’t repeat it.

Maybe it would be a great idea if Alwil integrates some “other-resident-antivirus-installed-on-my-system-Checker” inside the avast! installation procedure. Something like when it warns you about ZoneAlarm Pro privacy issues with avast! web shield…

Sure that would save a lot of trouble many people out there… if they try to install avast! and they still have Norton (or any other antivirus) installed on their system, avast! should inform the user and completely refuse to install itself until the other AV solution is completely removed from the system.

Maybe another idea for POST YOUR WISHES FOR NEXT AVAST! RELEASE thread… hmmm… I’ll post the same thing in there as well…

Cheers !

Removing an AV like Norton may be harder than getting rid of a virus. I now understand why it was designed so ::slight_smile:

Indeed, Avast should not install with any other AV present.
However, there are several security programs, that are more precisely AT (anti-Trojan), that can co-exist. Home users often do not know the difference and download Avast without any protection resident. In my experience, that’s very risky.

Those computer doctors can’t be trusted, just like many other doctors…

Hi Nicolas,

Oh yes, and i agree with you there. It is a golden rule to always have no more than ONE resident Anti Virus Solution.
We advise AVAST of course. You can have non-resident scanners as a second opinion or to close your vulnerabilty window. I for one have ClamWin as an open source non-resident scanner. Sometimes you may use an on-line scanner for the latest viruses out. But some AV products cannot stand each other and even some online scanners may play hostile (Panda’s re: Avast). Good scanning is an art and need “Fingerspitzengefuehl”. To scan all of your computer minimally once every two weeks is a good advice, and keeps you alert as what is running on your machine. Always combine AV scanning with the use of a good Firewall and several anti-spyware and - adware programs.



Hi Polonus !

Back again ?

Well said. I have Clamwin also available, not resident, although it does not seem to interfere with Avast. Just in case one of them gets hurt.
I’m also very impressed by Ewido AT, intended as a second layer protection it more behaves as a primary defence. But there is still no manual available.



Of course I meant on resident antiviruses in the same time on the same computer. I also have BitDefender (free, and non-resident, just on demand) installed as a seconds base and I have no problems at all…

But very often, on those branded systems like she (Diana) bought, there are resident antiviruses such a Norton is… worst of all, they just give them 30 days trial and after that, they are on their own… usually people don’t bother with uninstalling those trial versions, and they just blindly proceed with installation of another antivirus. That’s exactly when these problems (Diana’s problem) start to show up…

Cheers !