Hi, I’ve recently downloaded & installed avast 4 & after rebooting performed boot scan (i thing thats what it was called)
this successfully identified a virus worm Win32: Parite
& Win32:Parite B [DLL] infecting a hundred or more files. unfortunately avast is unable to repair the files & i’m pretty sure i should not delete them! on attempting to repair i receive the error code 42060 and eventually the system boots up with the pop up boxes informing me of the same viruses which still will not repair but by now the system has slowed to a un-usable pace and sometimes freezes & has to be reset only to unsuccessfully
boot up again! this has rendered my computer inoperable and i am in need of help & if not soon then therapy also!
I’m running winXP home
A word of warning, I’m quite a novice at this lark
Before using this you should close all open Programms. The problem is, that maybe not all infected files will funktion after cleaning them. So maybe it is more effective to backup all data you need and setup your Pc again
I’m not sure what the error can be, but tomorrow, I can send you a simple command-line tool that should help you to disinfect the parite-infected files (if you send me your e-mail address, e.g. by a private messsage).
The 42060 error code is no surprise – it means ‘file cannot be repaired’, which is indeed true. Avast cannot directly clean this virus. But I believe Igor can send you the cure…
Just a suggestion: why does not avast give a “full description” of the error instead of error codes? I think it´s easy to compilate (even third parts did it for Windows, Microsoft - I think - just in the web pages)…
If the cure excist & is availble why isn’t it included into t the main kernel of AVAST already ? makes no sence to me…it just would make the program better.
If the cure excist & is availble why isn’t it included into t the main kernel of AVAST already ? makes no sence to me…it just would make the program better. Waldo
Well, we certainly want to move that way, but it’s not that easy as you might imagine
First, the “kernel” is not the right place for such thing - it should be placed inside the VPS to be updatable more easily.
Second, the tool was written as a completely standalone and cannot be simply “included” into avast! - they are very different; some kind of interface has to be created first. But yes, such a thing is planned for avast! 4.1.
I guess I wasn’t completely clear - I was talking about the generic cleaner for Parite (and other) viruses - not about the error messages
Sure, the error messages should be displayed in a “descriptive” way - the error codes are mostly useless for the users.
Ok im another newbie and having the same error message. avast is telling me i have 3 trojans detected so far Win32 Trogan gen {Delphi} and {other}
and err i dunno what to do. :-[
selectin the repair all option on the boot scan gives the 42060 message then when i do finally boot up again it cannot repair the file as its being used by another prog…getting a bit confused now. any help would be appreciated ???
Trojans are usually “stand-alone” applications, i.e. not file-infectors - so, the only “repair” possible is deleting them.
If the files are “in use”, it probably means that they are active (running). If you can’t delete them (or move to chest, if you like), you may try to delete them in safe mode.