New Definition Banner

Is there a way to shorten the time that the new definitions banner remains on the desktop? When Avast! sends me new definitions, the green new defs banner rises from the bottom of the screen and remains for a few seconds longer than is necessary and then disappears. I sometimes click the X to get rid of it. I think 3 seconds would be plenty. :slight_smile:

I agree… perhaps just the voice would be enough or an option for voice only or an option for length of time the notice pops up!

Why not just disable it?

I appreciate the notification so I know the def update was done. I just wish it was briefer. I don’t usually put my speakers on unless I need them, so I won’t hear the announcement.

Unfortunately, this is currently set to 20 seconds and cannot be customized.


20 seconds is a bit long imo and just annoys me so i close it manually each time. 10 seconds would be enough noot to annoy me and to still have it up there for some time.

Either that or the ability to make an avast5.ini value change would be nice.

Thanks for the heads up. Would it be possible to do something with that in the next release? :slight_smile:

i think 10 seconds would be best, plus its a nice quick and easy adjustment i would imagine